nafisapreston Member


  • I may not be logging daily, but I do trust in the system. You are right, if we do this on a daily basis, results will show. You are doing awesome! I have been using the lunchbox plan to help me. All I do is pack my breakfast, lunch and two snacks, and I'm good to go until I get home. I eat my afternoon snack before I drive…
  • It is definitely a struggle to exercise during the school year, but I made it a priority to go straight to the gym right after work. I met up with a girlfriend, and we talked and helped each other de-stress during critical times. I can vent just as easily while we do the elliptical as if we were just talking on the phone…
  • I am not an expert, but I will share my opinion. I believe protein shakes are good for giving you energy. The reason guys bulk up usually is because they use that extra energy to increase their workouts. Since they're lifting heavier weights, they bulk up. As women, we can use that extra energy to do cardio, weights, or…
  • All men do look, but it depends on the level. My man does it sometimes, but never insultingly. Is he only looking at the girls pics on facebook, or is he talking to them too? If they are total strangers and he doesn't actually communicate with him, I wouldn't make a big deal out of it. But, if he's talking with them,…
  • Did you have a weight gain the week before the 2 pound loss? Or, have you been eating earlier in the day or exercising more frequently than you used to? I know that if I finish dinner a few hours before bedtime, the scale is friendlier to me even though I eat the same amount of calories. It's also possible that you're…
  • Another thing you didn't mention was how much you need to lose. The closer you are to your goal weight, the harder it is for the weight to come off. At least that's what I've heard. I'm 30 pounds away, and it seems slow. Of course, I falter on weekends and "that time."
  • I understand your frustration. I can't explain it if it's been a month. I do know that I would work hard for a week, and the scale would not budge. Then, I would see the loss the next week. Similarly, I could eat awfully for a day or two, but it would take 3-4 days for the scale to notice the gain. Also, are you strength…
  • Lexi, how long have you been at Ft. Hood? My friend lived there years ago when her husband was stationed there. It seems like it was 5 years ago, but I can't remember. How is your journey going?