

  • My sister and I had same problem. Hopefully fixed by tomorrow
  • Thats fantastic. Well done you. Could be that describes me too. I exercise every day and have done for nearly 30 years apart from a few blips when i gave up because I was ill or just depressed. I have so much muscle I look like Olga the Russian shot putt champion but I am clinically obese!
  • Hello. The first step is the hardest!
    in Hello Comment by xelapw June 2011
  • When you are muscular your BMI is out of sync. I too am clinically obese but can't lose weight despite the exercise and calorie regime. i have even taken to weighing absolutely everything I eat and still no weight loss. have toned up and gone down a size though.
  • 1. Olives, 10 cals each 2. Feta 70 cals per ounce 3. Eat natural bars 225 plus cals but great on swimming days 4. Free from bread - high in cals but great again on swimming days 5. fruit - bananas, strawberries, raspberries, peaches (or is that a cheat?)
  • It could be worse. You could have to give up your favourite foods because they make you ill and then despite giving them up, cutting calories, working out, you just do not lose weight!
  • add me too! I am very down at the moment and need every motivator i can get!
  • Try a slow cooker. You can put ingredients in when you go out in the morning and your dinner will be ready and waiting when you get home.
  • I am in uk, in Derbyshire. Needing help myself cos can't loose weight despite restricting cals and exercising! Everyone I know is loosing except me. Where am I going wrong? (getting fitter though!)
  • 34 grams peanut butter, banana & two slices wholemeal bread. Highly calorific but good fats. I have my doubts about the cal thing too but can tell you that when I was on holiday I walked every day and swam for an hour or more every day. Did not over eat kept well within cals and in two weeks only lost 1 lb. Been told by a…
  • I have experienced loss too, although with me it was a baby to cot death at less than four months. What I can say is that time is a great healer and things will get better. They will take their time! With regard to your weight you have to remember food is our comfort blanket and our drug. Do not look at what you ate…
  • Walking is better for you than running but you have to do it for longer!
    in Vent Page Comment by xelapw March 2011