m2the2ndPOWER Member


  • Pretty much what most people have said....don't start off too fast in the beginning since you have a ways to go! Take it in and enjoy the ride. Since its your first, your goal should be to finish, finish strong, and finish uninjured. That way next time you have a goal in mind and possibly one to PR :) Don't introduce any…
  • I totally agree with many of the people above who have gone paleo for their own reasons. A paleo style doesn't not equal "low carb" diet. It stresses the importances of where your food comes from, how its raised and produced, and reading labels. Paleo also stresses the importance of good sleep and stress managment. These…
  • Oh the glorious egg <3 I love 2 over-easy eggs with avocado and tomato slices...sprinkle truffle salt and fresh cracked pepper. Simple and delicious. Breakfast sushi: 2 scrambled eggs with wild smoked salmon and avocado wrapped in nori seaweed slices. Fried egg over a burger. Fried egg over sweet potato hash. Fried egg…
  • I've been eating paleo since January 2013 and have found it to be very helpful on many things. I looked into paleo first off because I was having a lot of digestive issues (constipation, bloating, etc.). Since going paleo, I have found many of these issues to be resolved for the most part. I also noticed since going paleo…
  • 2 words....TRUFFLE SALT! Best investment. Ever. Its great on everything and anything savory.
  • Nike and Under Armour both make running gear specific to temperature conditions especially with the winter months approaching. I really like the fit of both since Im a little curvier in hips and thighs (and I'm 5'9'' so length is also a dilema). I also recommend purchasing a vest on days were its not cold enough to wear a…