MamaGab92 Member


  • I finished C25K in October and tried to keep up my running. The changing seasons has bothered me. I don't mind running in the 30's, but I don't like to run when it is dark for safety reasons. Now that it is winter, it is dark when I leave for work in the morning and dark when I get home. Luckily my company has a gym in my…
  • You could do a trial run like you said by running as long as you can before you think it is too much. See how many minutes you were able to run. Then find out where that is on the C25K plan (as closely as possible) and then do the end of C25K starting at the point where you are. That way you start where you are but also…
  • My husband and I started it yesterday. To be continued...
  • My husband and I started the DASH diet for Weight Loss yesterday. We both have high blood pressure (I haven't officially been diagnosed but he has). His doctor said his first priority is to lose weight. We both have about 40 lbs. to lose. We are in Phase 1 right now (two weeks). I am really curious to see how it goes for…
  • Thanks everyone! I guess I didn't say it in my original post, but yes I had my shoes fitted by someone at the running store after he watched me run. And I always set the treadmill at 1% incline. I did a lot of stride research early in the summer when I started running and I credit that for the fact that I didn't have much…
  • I was just where you were last spring. I wanted to run for health more than for a specific race. I did the C25K program and took WAAAY longer than the 8 weeks my program specified. I was (and am) 50 lbs overweight so I'm sure that was part of it. I repeated most weeks at least once, sometimes several times. Like you, the…
  • What great news! Congratulations! And I loved reading your blog - very inspirational!
  • I run at the park where there are usually several other people nearby. Also, my husband goes with me most times. He doesn't run with me, but does his own thing within visual distance "just in case". But generally it's a pretty safe area.
  • I started in late March then got a knee injury. Started again in May and then repeated several days and weeks several times. So 33 weeks since I originally started and 19 weeks since I started over and stayed with it. I wonder if that's a record. LOL I didn't care how long it took me though. What mattered was that I…
  • I finally graduated by running the final run yesterday (10/28/14)! I started in March 2014 and had a knee injury and lots and lots of repeats over the summer, but I never stopped. I have finally made it to where I can run for 35 minutes. I'm still really slow and not quite able to run the entire 5K yet, but I plan to keep…
  • I did it! Last night was W8D3, the final C25K workout. I can't believe how far I've come. I've proven to myself what I'm capable of. My next plan is to continue running 30 minutes 3 times a week and to improve my time.
  • I did W8D2 last night. I also got my best "per minute" time so far! I ran 2 miles in just under 30 minutes. I know that's really slow compared to some people, but I RAN 30 MINUTES!! Woo hoo! I was so excited and proud of myself I was nearly in tears when the app told me to slow down and walk for the cool down. I have…
  • I did W8D1 last night. I looked down at my phone when I had a little less than 5 minutes left and I thought, "5 minutes, piece of cake." Then I caught myself and thought back to when I was just starting C25K and 5 minutes seemed like a long time to me. I have come such a long way! Now I can do almost 30 minutes and it…
  • I use 5K Runner by ClearSky. It isn't free (only $1.99) but it has worked really well for me.
  • I was going to say the exact same thing. I could have written the original post myself! I started officially in June 2014 doing the Couch to 5K program. It has taken me all summer+ and I am finally on the last week of the program. My time tracking includes both the walking warm up and then the running, but my best time so…
  • I'm supposed to do W8D1 this evening after work, but it is pouring down rain. I don't have access to a treadmill. Sigh. Forecast says it is going to rain through Thursday. This really cramps my plans!
  • Last year I participated and walked the whole thing. My time was 58 minutes. So by running I improved my time by 5 minutes.
  • I started this thing in June and have had interruptions and many repeated weeks so I am still not a "graduate". Last night I did Week 6, Day 1 which was run 10 minutes, walk 5 minutes, run 10 minutes (I'm using the 5K Runner app). It was a challenge and I really had to push myself during the last two minutes of the last…
  • If you change to a new app, does it keep your history? I have both mapmyrun and mapmywalk and I get double notifications from my friends. If I could have both in one app that would be great, but I'd like access to past activity.
  • I have been traveling for business since Monday and haven't been able to get my fitbit to sync with anything since I left. I have no idea how many steps I've gotten in the last three days. I'm hoping when I get home this evening I'll be able to sync my fitbit and will be able to go back and see how many steps I walked. I…
  • Daily Goal: 10,000 Aug. 4 - 12,912 Aug. 5 - 7,394 Aug. 6 - 10,069 Aug. 7 - 10,839 Aug. 8 - 5,138 Aug. 9 - 2,560 Aug. 10 - 5,886 Aug. 11 - 10,464 Aug. 12 - 7,739 Aug. 13 - 11,307 Aug. 14 - 7,806 Aug. 15 - 4,266 Aug. 16 - 5,160 Aug. 17 - 13,814 Aug. 18 - 10,463 Aug. 19 - 7,466 Aug. 20 - 5,978 Aug. 21 - 3,917 Total: 143,178…
  • Daily Goal: 10,000 Aug. 4 - 12,912 Aug. 5 - 7,394 Aug. 6 - 10,069 Aug. 7 - 10,839 Aug. 8 - 5,138 Aug. 9 - 2,560 Aug. 10 - 5,886 Aug. 11 - 10,464 Aug. 12 - 7,739 Aug. 13 - 11,307 Aug. 14 - 7,806 Aug. 15 - 4,266 Aug. 16 - 5,160 Aug. 17 - 13,814 Aug. 18 - 10,463 Aug. 19 - 7,466 Aug. 20 - 5,978 Total: 139,261 Daily Average:…
  • Daily Goal: 10,000 Aug. 4 - 12,912 Aug. 5 - 7,394 Aug. 6 - 10,069 Aug. 7 - 10,839 Aug. 8 - 5,138 Aug. 9 - 2,560 Aug. 10 - 5,886 Aug. 11 - 10,464 Aug. 12 - 7,739 Aug. 13 - 11,307 Aug. 14 - 7,806 Aug. 15 - 4,266 Aug. 16 - 5,160 Aug. 17 - 13,814 Aug. 18 - 10,463 Aug. 19 - 7,466 Total: 133,283 Daily Average: 8,330
  • Daily Goal: 10,000 Aug. 4 - 12,912 Aug. 5 - 7,394 Aug. 6 - 10,069 Aug. 7 - 10,839 Aug. 8 - 5,138 Aug. 9 - 2,560 Aug. 10 - 5,886 Aug. 11 - 10,464 Aug. 12 - 7,739 Aug. 13 - 11,307 Aug. 14 - 7,806 Aug. 15 - 4,266 Aug. 16 - 5,160 Aug. 17 - 13,814 Aug. 18 - 10,463 Total: 125,817 Daily Average: 8,388
  • Daily Goal: 10,000 Aug. 4 - 12,912 Aug. 5 - 7,394 Aug. 6 - 10,069 Aug. 7 - 10,839 Aug. 8 - 5,138 Aug. 9 - 2,560 Aug. 10 - 5,886 Aug. 11 - 10,464 Aug. 12 - 7,739 Aug. 13 - 11,307 Aug. 14 - 7,806 Aug. 15 - 4,266 Aug. 16 - 5,160 Aug. 17 - 13,814 Total: 115,354 Daily Average: 8,240
  • I had been moving along and had gotten to Week 4 Day 2 and then before I could do day 3, our local annual festival came to town and blocked off the park where I usually run. I didn't like my other options of places to run so I skipped the rest of that week and then between rainy weather and back-to-school busy-ness with my…
  • Daily Goal: 10,000 Aug. 4 - 12,912 Aug. 5 - 7,394 Aug. 6 - 10,069 Aug. 7 - 10,839 Aug. 8 - 5,138 Aug. 9 - 2,560 Aug. 10 - 5,886 Aug. 11 - 10,464 Aug. 12 - 7,739 Aug. 13 - 11,307 Aug. 14 - 7,806 Total: 92,114 Daily Average: 8,374
  • Daily Goal: 10,000 Aug. 4 - 12,912 Aug. 5 - 7,394 Aug. 6 - 10,069 Aug. 7 - 10,839 Aug. 8 - 5,138 Aug. 9 - 2,560 Aug. 10 - 5,886 Aug. 11 - 10,464 Aug. 12 - 7,739 Aug. 13 - 11,307 Total: 84,308 Daily Average: 8,431
  • Daily Goal: 10,000 Aug. 4 - 12,912 Aug. 5 - 7,394 Aug. 6 - 10,069 Aug. 7 - 10,839 Aug. 8 - 5,138 Aug. 9 - 2,560 Aug. 10 - 5,886 Aug. 11 - 10,464 Aug. 12 - 7,739 Total: 73,001 Daily Average: 8,111
  • Daily Goal: 10,000 Aug. 4 - 12,912 Aug. 5 - 7,394 Aug. 6 - 10,069 Aug. 7 - 10,839 Aug. 8 - 5,138 Aug. 9 - 2,560 Aug. 10 - 5,886 Aug. 11 - 10,464 Total: 65,262 Daily Average: 8,158