I started running (C25K) outside 3 times a week this past spring. I bought really good ($$$) shoes and followed advice re: not going too fast and stretching afterward. Basically I didn't have any problems all summer long and got to where I can run 30ish minutes at a time. I have recently moved 2 of my 3 weekly runs onto a…
So I have been doing the C25K program all summer. I tried to start in March but developed bursitis in my knee so had to take time off to heal. Started again in June and (knock on wood) haven't had any injuries since. I have had a few interruptions and have had to repeat several of the weeks so progress has been slow. I am…
I am in my fourth week of C25K (I'm currently repeating week 3). I feel like I am progressing well. The huffing and puffing breathing thing is a thing of the past. Breathing is not a problem. I've read a lot on here and I've been taking everyone's advice to go slow to prevent injuries. I have good ($$$) shoes that I bought…
I started C25K about two weeks ago. The first week went fine and I did all of the workouts without too much trouble. Last Tuesday I tried W2,D1 and immediately my left knee started hurting. It has been excruciating ever since. I've been icing and taking ibuprofen. Have not gone running since. This morning I went to the…