airangel55 Member


  • I'm with you. I feel your frustration because I am there as well. However I know that what others are saying is most likely true. Even for me. Meaning...Doctors are practicioners heavy on the workd PRACTICE. Two months is not being impatient in my opinion but have you taken your before and after measurements. I have…
  • Loved your answer. I too struggle with the fat vs water weight loss. I also look at inches loss as a measure of fat loss, though that can just be toning.
  • Here's another point of view. Sometimes we can get addicted to the positive feedback we get from family and friends to the point of feeling depressed when the comments stop. This can undermine the reason you were doing this in the first place. I know you said they didn't notice but maybe they did and didn't want to say or…
  • I'm in. I joined Jazzercise this morning to jump start my efforts. Has anyone ever seen the "Self" magazine calculator for how many calories you need to stay healthy and at the weight you want? I was shocked at amount of calories it said I need for my body to function. I know from that past that I got great results from…
  • I love all of these. I think the half way mark offers a unique perspective. I acutally have a before and after picture from the past that I will post if I can find it because I am going to do it again. True to what I have been told. When I gained back my weight over 2 years time I not only went to my original weight but…
  • I love seing the change in your smile. The before pictue you barely smile and your after pics all show you with a huge smile. You look fab and congrats on reaching one of your goals. I have no doubt you will reach them all. After all your adorable kids love you no matter what you do and staying healthy to be with them has…
  • Three things I learned. Do anything for 30 days and it becomes a habit. Cooking meals in bulk allows you to portion out by container and store to eat later...which leads to less diet busting gorging and fast food consumtion. And lastly...a stumble is not a fail just another step in the journey.
  • Awesome Journey! You inspire me and remind me that 1 lb at a time does it. There is no quick fix. Congrats on your new lifestyle.