Persistent20 Member


  • I started lgging food and calories again. Also have a new flute teacher and am really practicing.. Standing and playing a musical instrument really adds up if you do it for an hour Persistent 20
  • Swelling means fluids so your weight would be higher than usual. Your weight loss is even more impressive.
  • Great insight. We tend to be so hard on ourselves when we are really doing something amazing and exceedingly difficult. Persistent
  • Chris, Jean and Dream. I love your positive posts. We all need this positive focus. Congratulations on your achievements. I logged my food yesterday and today. Also re-measured myself today and am showing steady progress. Inches provide a nice balance to the focus on weight and food. Feel really good about finishing some…
  • I love how positive your post is. I just got a new upright mouse that is helping both my carpal tunnel and shoulder. Persistent
  • Pool aerobics is low impact, the more of you in the water the lowest impact. Because you don't sweat as much it feels like you aren't working very hard, but monitor your pulse. You can also get a no-impace workout by using a jogging belt or a noodle so that you're feet don't touch the bottom. You'll have to improvise a bit…
  • February 18, 2014 8:48 pm I joined this group because I love your focus on a week at a time and your supportive posts. Like many of you, I've lost significant weight several times and kept it off 2-3 years. I finally got past that barrier and kept my weight down for 10 + years, but half of it has slowly crept back on. I've…
  • Congratulations! When I was young, I totally hated exercise. One of the factors in picking a college was that PE was not required. I though I had gone to heaven. I've learned to exercise with lots of variety, associating it with pleasant things, and telling myself positive things when I work out. For example, heat and…
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