Do you work out 60 min/day 5 days a week?



  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    Do what you can when you can.......I work out 5 -6 days a week usually for 60 - 90 minutes. I have a home gym so I break it up......30 minutes of weights. ...break for dinner - 30 minutes of cardio (treadmill., elliptical, or recumbent bike).
  • you could modify your work out to burn more calories in less time, once you start working and get busy. for example, if you walk on treadmill, you could increase the incline and burn the same amount of calories in half the time. or some other kind of intense work out for 20 or 30 minutes that burn the same calories as your current 60 mts work out. if you regularly exercise now, you will have the stamina, energy and muscle strength in due time.
  • Persistent20
    Persistent20 Posts: 8 Member

    When I was young, I totally hated exercise. One of the factors in picking a college was that PE was not required. I though I had gone to heaven. I've learned to exercise with lots of variety, associating it with pleasant things, and telling myself positive things when I work out. For example, heat and sweat are calories going out into the air

    The most important thing is to find exercise that you enjoy. What have you done and enjoyed in the past-dancing to your favorite music, shooting baskets, biking, etc.? Even standing a playin an instrument or getting a standing computer desk. Getting some of your exercise out doors may make you feel happier, especially when short days cut your light. Some research shows that you are less likely to quit exercising if you split it in to two or more shorter sessions per day.

    Try to find things you like to make your exercise more rewarding. Music? Working with a friend? Looking at plants and architecture as you walk? Shopping (slow, so it works if you do it longer)? For years I rewarded my self by taking time to jacuzzi and talk to other women. When I changed gyms and I couldn't have that diet coke, it really made a difference.

    If you watch TV, put your stationary bike, mini trampoline, etc. in the living room and turn on the TV. Once you start biking you tend to go on until the end of the show. I know it looks ugly, but it is so much easier to walk by and decide to do a bit.

    Sixty minutes, 6 days a week is a lot. You body also needs rest. You can substitute standing all day in your working season for part of your exercise time. Slow things like standing do work, you just have to do them longer. (The exercise form has calories listed for standing.)

    I hope some of this helps.
  • Fit4_Life
    Fit4_Life Posts: 828 Member
    I try to get in 700+ 6 days a week.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    im just looking to see what people are doing to lose weight. Im willing to make it work and not force myself. Im more less seeing with how much I should really be doing like if 60 min a day 5 or 6 days a week is really working if I i were to do 30-45min a day 4-5 days a week and still see great results.

    at the end of the day you can lose weight with zero exercise…just maintain your calorie deficit…

    strength training and what not are recommend for overall fitness, retaining LBM, and body recomp reasons but it is not necessary to lose weight..

    I would say try to identify an hour in your work day that you can work out, and work out then. I run my own business and work out in the afternoon, after work for about an hour and fifteen minutes a day with saturdays off...
  • Hi Jac
    Walking Walking Walking. I'm not a good example. (recently had fracture's in my feet) But a friend, lost a ton of weight doing portion size and walking between 3 and 5 miles a day. He wouldn't walk when the weather wouldn't allow.
    Good Luck
    Stay the course
  • sshintaku
    sshintaku Posts: 228 Member
    I work fairly long hours, usually 6:30am-4:30-5pm. When I get home, I have to take care of my animal menagerie and make dinner. What works for me is on the days I know it will be really long, I plan on doing 30 Day Shred or a quick round of weights coupled with walking my dogs. Then on shorter days or weekends, I'll hit a yoga class or have a run or something. I end up getting an average of 30-45 minutes of exercise per day, some a lot more some a lot less, but it works for me. When I was REALLY busy at work, I would squeeze in a couple 10-15 minutes of workout rounds.
  • badeniyi95
    badeniyi95 Posts: 4 Member
    As most prior posters have mentioned; you can meet your weight-loss goal by just maintaining a caloric deficit. The question is what are your goals. If it is just weight-loss; then strictly keep to your caloric deficit! I find that exercise (lifting and cardio), help to keep me at the deficit plus consume more calories.

    Losing weight is a goal of mine but my priority is overall fitness/health. Therefore, exercise is a big part of my life.

    I break my exercises into LIFTING (chest, back/shoulders, legs); CARDIO; ABS.

    In regards to LIFTING, I lift 3/week and have broken the days into 3 main body parts (chest, back/shoulders, legs) where I do about 8 exercises (anywhere from two to six sets for each exercise with 2-12 repetitions per set). All lifts are concluded with either bicep or tricep work, and if I have time abdominal exercises. My goal is to get everything done within an hour and often-times I am able to complete the work-out within 45 minutes. I have had a lot of success (in terms of increased strength and body composition/sculpting) by keeping my workout to just an hour....anything more for myself means too much socializing, lack of focus, or lifting too heavy which is requiring too much rest between sets...all counter-productive! When I lift, I sweat as I am doing a lot of work in a small amount of time, so I have to be efficient and maintain a challenging pace.

    In regards to CARDIO; I target 2-3/week. I am always changing up the cardio workout in order to prevent boredom and becoming stagnant. If I am running (maximum of once a week), I will limit the time to 45 minutes and then do 15 minutes of abdominal exercises. Other options are elliptical machine, stationary bike, treadmill(maximum of once/week), or 30 minutes of stair-master and 30 minutes of seated stationary bicycle. In the winter, I swim 1-2 week for 45 minutes.

    I love to walk, so if I am not feeling the cardio options then I'll walk for an hour. I have a heart-rate monitor with GPS, so I know my speed, distance and calories burned. My pace is 15 minutes per mile, so I cover 4 miles within that hour of walking at my taxing pace. The best thing is that for every mile or 15 minutes; I burn 150 calories. 600 calories burned for "just" walking is not too shabby. As a result, I am a firm believer in walking.

    In regards to ABs, I try to hit them 4/week for core strength purposes and sculpting those abs while losing the weight /fat that is covering them! I try to hit the abs on one or two lifting days(afterwards), or on the cardio days- depending how I feel. If not then I'll do them at home.

    Some may think I workout too much, but if you can work-out 5/week as you mentioned then my plan is pretty balanced in regards to lifting versus cardio and not getting bored. Also, I never feel guilty if I only get 4 or even 3 workouts in a week as when I work-out I go hard. Lastly, working out allows me to eat more, so if I don't work-out then the focus is not exceeding my daily calories that are in a deficit anyways.

    My main piece of advice is to invest in a good heart-rate monitor and track calories burned per work-out- given your busy schedule. I try to burn at least 470 calories per work-out (though I actually burn quite a bit more) which translates to anywhere from 1,880-2820 calories burned per week depending if I workout 4 or 6 times a week.
  • birdiecs
    birdiecs Posts: 237 Member
    45min of heavy lifting 3x a week and then 30min of something cardiosh 2x a week. I find myself getting burned out if I work out more than that.
  • princessnuriko
    princessnuriko Posts: 50 Member
    I work out 7 days a week at home. I work out at 300am M-F. Work from 730am to 400pm. I work out early because of my hectic schedule and so I'm not bothered by my kid when I'm working out. Sat and Sun...whenever but usually no later than 0900am. I work out 60 to 90 minutes a day. I burn 550 to 700 calories. I do Turbo Fire advanced (20 Weeks) and I supplement all those workouts usually with Kelly Coffey-Meyer DVD for strength training. If I want extra cardio then I'll do Amy Dixon HIITs DVDs. So far i'm on week 13 of Turbo Fire Advanced. I've only taken 3 days off. One for lack of sleep and two other days because I got a hair perm and I couldn't work out. That's just me. I feel like if I take time off, even one day, I'll mess up motivation factor. I'm 5'4. I started off at 168 and now I'm on 149. My goal is 145, maybe even going 140. Everyone is different. The important thing is that you find time to do it, move and have fun! I also wanted to add that I am a single parent of a 5 year old. I don't know where I find the motivation and the will power to JUST DO IT, but I do because I'm doing something good for myself.
  • chandra2802
    chandra2802 Posts: 29 Member
    I do zumba at home 3-4 days a week.. and inbetween zumba days i do Wii fit or just dance.. or at home workout (jumping jacks squats the whole thing) I have my kids during the day and work nights till 2am. So i only fit in about 45min to an hour. I have lost almost 22lbs now and very proud of myself. Its all about finding what works for you. Because of kids and work and where i live its not possible to go to the gym. So i google and search for everything i can find. i love 30 day challenges. I dont always finish them... or finish them a week or 2 later.. but i still do my best