

  • http://www.naturalnews.com/quotes/Quote-Ignore-Laugh-Fight-Win.jpg Just remember this, and you're set. Additionally, just recognize the feeling you're getting and get comfortable with it. Remember, the stress you're feeling, it's your body trying to help you - so stop feeling anxious about feeling anxious. (An amazing TED…
  • I had a great problem with overeating. While I could balance my weight from time time to time, inevitable periods of stress and burden, with school, and now work returned me to my old habits. What helped me, was just logging ALL the things that I ate, no exceptions. All of them, cup of tea or a burger with large fries,…
  • It works :) . It makes you aware of how much calories you're ingesting, and approximates how much you're spending each day, so you cannot feign ignorance of your actions - whether by over eating (or under eating). And truly, that's all that it takes. Try it, and you'll see :)