Nillalis Member


  • I read some posts about adding strength training and many just make their own and call it like my muscle training and then add the time and calories to that. All depends what your after. if wanting to go back and see how many reps and so you did i guess you have to fill each and every thing in if wanting just a calorie…
  • I wrote to Jill but should have been to WorkingonmeAl and to all thats interested of course. was in such a hurry cause wanted it posted before going to my yoga. Any way that powder is supposed to be ultra clean but i checked the company now and they do not ship out of Sweden.
  • Jill i am also growing more and more interested in protein supplements as i feel how it helps me to stick to my diet and feel less cravings and or hunger. in sweden we have a company that claims they are on the top in world but i don't think they sell internationally yet. they have 2 product that i find to be better then…
  • raleighgoodwi as your interested in the protein supplements i would suggest you try to see if you can find some good diet chocolate protein powder. make sure its as low as possible on carbs so that you can add carbs to the powder in any shape you like. try adding raspberries frozen with some water you get a fairly firm…
  • Good for you i did the same about 6 months ago but since i was in such a poor shape and knew i easy get pain in my shins i started out with 2 times daily 20 min walks. and the biggest advice i got was go to a runners store and buy proper shoes before starting as if getting pain and injuries you might loose your motivation.…
  • to Jill My heals are the worst for getting blisters that is until i found out how to prevent it by lots. either go to a runner store and ask for rubble socks. its a sock that has to socks in one so the friction is between the layer and not on your skin. or take a pair of nylon pantyhose socks (don't know the proper name…
  • I'm gonna answer a bit different. The faster you loose your first 50 % the harder it will be to loose your last 50 % so what you should do is check what your BMR is supposed to be for your weight and your hight and never eat below that amount. MFP according to many set your calorie goal a bit low so its easy to in…
  • hi again SoCalWoman - away from my husband now for 3 weeks and he is the kind that ooo what no one sees me eating doesn't count so lol poor him i be home in 12 days. I used to be that way too but MFP have so helped me towards changing that behaviour. sandy - welcome and feel free to ask if you want got 100 days of MFP…
  • just finished a 90 min hot yoga class ang then about 45 min walk there and home. feels good. I tried the Pilates but it doesn't give me what i need the most atm. what i need is getting my stiff body to be less stiff so more of stretching in different yoga position and the hot yoga does that. Wish i could run too but might…
  • think I'm gonna add that (shavings of zucchini) to my regular tuna and cottage cheese with lettuce, baby spinach and sprout lunch. that lunch is among the highest in protein with low calories that i like to eat. about 350 calories and a whopping 58 grams of protein.
  • Morning girls. Sunny and almost warm day here in Sweden. Just finished my lunch after a early yoga class and feel pretty good. Todays adventure is to go try on shoes (I'm on a break from work that will start up this fall again). I think my feet are wide but now I'm not sure if they are wide or just been fat. so plan is go…
  • Hi I'm 51 and a mom of two daughters that are semi living at home and i live in Sweden. been traveling a lot and also lived 6 years in Kansas and 6 years is Saudi Arabia Im in the middle of my menopause and have a few issues that are not to hard to deal with. the worst is the hot flashes i get some nights. Since about 4…
    in Hello! Comment by Nillalis May 2014
  • I was shopping for a nice dress yesterday found one that i really loved and that looks flattering. when out shopping i also tried on these really nice looking chic clothes that many of different ages wear and that do look really flattering on a slim body. (I'm close to being that kinda body). now these clothes I'm talking…
  • i do about 3 hours exercise a day, 1 hour yoga and 2hour walking. ATM i do less cause my knee hurts. 6 months ago i did almost nothing so i have worked my body to this over some months. When i did no exercise to speak of my body dropped a bit of weight every week that i met my diet goal but i also had a lot to lose by…
  • Yes i had so much fun and the fact that i did it together with my daughters added to the fun. The guests enjoyed it equally much and to their surprise, as easter gift, they all got a doggy bag to fill as they wanted.
  • Hi To me it sounds like it's the stress around food and your every day life that is the biggest issue for you right now. You have spent 4 years doing this and most likely to maintain you can't drop that. I have read somewhere that it takes the body up to 7 years to accept a new weight and not wanting to get back to what it…
  • well seems like your doing all the stuff i can think of that would help so only reason not loosing weight would in my guess be. 1. your body isn't happy and like to keep the pounds. 2. your not doing something as well as it needs to be done (but to me it sounds as you do) good luck with your cleansing
  • Looks like you are doing a lot and i agree you don't have a lot to lose but 140 could be done even if it might be hard to maintain. recently i my self was standing still and even gaining some but i knew it was cause i had added a lot of exercise. my next plan when my shoulder and body is up for it is to start lifting…
  • thx to both of you and i know it really doesn't matter how many calories it burns but the more calories something burn per hour the higher my motivation to do it becomes. so if yoga is 100 calories per hour i think well its only 100 no big deal if i skip it even if i know its good for me. if its 350 calories i think wow…
  • for any one to help you more than we already have we kind of need to know more about you. how tall you are, how much you weigh, what kind of exercise you do, how long you do it and how intense. it would also help to know what kind of work you have- like desk job or a job that you move a lot in. Do you count your every day…
  • thx Elegra2006. As I'm only a bit bigger than you are i would guess my burned calories would be about the same. Have you ever used the HRM when doing the same yoga but not in a hot room?
  • I haver also been at this point to decide how much to eat back and i surfed some stuff and this is what i found and decided to go after. MFP decides your calorie need after how much you move daily and mainly from what kind of profession you have. If your a desk person your sedentary and so on. then during the day you…