KarenZen Member


  • Great photo, Zac! Sounds like you're having a wonderful summer full of activities. Check back in when you can! K.
  • Aaaarrgghhhhh!!!! This day is NOT going as planned. I've wasted 2 hours looking for a file I need so that Jim and I can talk to the IRS YET AGAIN about a $4800 tax mistake that THEY MADE and we are trying to correct. Did you know the IRS can just take money out of your checking account? Why YES, yes they can! Another hour…
  • Here's your happy baby pic of the day. Eliza had her shots today but took them in stride.
  • Carly, I sent you a private message. Hope that helps. To the rest of you--get up and shake your groove thing--we have many pounds to lose this month! Swim today, eating clean, 4 hours of writing--that's my plan. If you're good, I'll share a bit of "Bigfoot Made Me Scream" later. You'll need ice water... it's pretty hot. K.
  • Here's something wonderful to end your day... recent photo of my great niece. She is just precious!
  • Holy cow! Dee, your baby has grown up!!! Look at how tall he is now! And very handsome. And you look like a lovely, proud mama.
  • Never too late to start dreaming again, honey. Even if the dreams seem unreachable. I figure, just put the idea out into the universe... see what happens. I'm a survivor too. K.
  • Oh, hahahhaa... I thought I'd finally fixed my profile picture. I sort of did... I'm no longer sideways. But now I have no mouth or chin, apparently. Gah! In case you were wondering... YES, I did swim. A real swim, along the shoreline. Right leg was crazy painful (sciatic nerve) but it's amazing what three vicodin will do…
  • Oh Nancy! How awful! I don't know about you, but when I'm in the hospital, I can't sleep because of all the small noises. Earplugs are my lifesavers. Can someone find you a pair to wear? I also had to ask the staff to NOT wake me up every couple of hours for stupid tests or medication. You might ask for a sleeping…
  • Yes, this dreamer just messaged my former associate Dean and told her I might be interested in doing a class this fall. She actually asked me last week(via a Facebook comment) when I would start teaching again. So...ball rolling. Carly, what is your dream? your bliss? what do you imagine doing? Out thunder turned to a…
  • 14 1/2 pounds is sooooooo close!!! Amazing! Lise, love the pics. Can def see big changes. I gotta admit I absolutely HID from the camera at my highest weight, so maybe I need to do some pics now. I know my bariatric nurse took pics. I wonder if she'll send them to me. Today was a GREAT day for feeling useful! I met with my…
  • Good morning all you MOTOs. I'm having a good morning--finally got Jim to freaking TALK. Ironically, he basically said that his Weds meltdown is something he's still working through and not ready to talk about yet. I'm okay with that. I'm not okay with just being shut out without an explanation--makes me feel like I'm…
  • Woohooo! Go Lise!!! I know this is an important milestone for you!!!
  • Nancy, I can't believe you're still in the hospital! But... you sound chipper and you're obviously getting good care! I'll have to look up Arrow and your new hunks. Today was a rough/wasted day for me. I accomplished a few tasks but mostly moped about. Jim and I still aren't past our Wednesday spat, and honestly I'm sick…
  • Well la-de-da, I actually finished a project (editing a screenplay--meeting with the writer tomorrow will not be pleasant as the work is pretty messy and full of cliches). About to tackle the messy kitchen. Rainy and cold--trying to get the guts to jump in lake for my exercise. K.
  • Good morning! Sunshine here if a bit chilly for July. I'm icing and drinking my protein shake before heading to PT. Yesterday I had some good and bad back moments--I need to call my neurosurgeon and ask about the clunking noises. I think that all the fluid pockets around my sacroilliac finally drained and now I have more…
  • Yay!!! Thanks, Carly. LOL--I'm actually good at math unless it involves calorie counting!!!
  • Nancy, I just saw your post as I was heading to bed. I'm so happy to see you again! Hope all is well. Xxoo K.
  • woohoooo!!! You are an inspiration!!! Congratulations!!!!
  • Whew, ended Day Four with a weird but lovely porch dinner. Lovely because someone else cooked and some great friends were here. Weird because one couple we haven't seen in months were just awkward and stiff... you know that strange feeling you get when you've lost touch with someone and you really didn't miss them that…
  • I dragged my guy into some counseling sessions when I was going through an eating disorder treatment program. He gets it, and he's pretty good about not bringing binge-trigger foods into the house, or if he does, he keeps them in his workshop. I just have to watch myself--I take on his issues and distress and can get…
  • Well happy Day FOUR, gang! I'm just rolling along, like yesterday, letting habit take control. Nancy, I thank you again for all these ten day minis. Added up, they've created a groove, and now overeating, reaching for sweets, skipping my exercise, all of my bad habits are less habitual than my good habits. Tomorrow I start…
  • Dee!!! Hurrah!!! Welcome back. I'm glad to see you return, and even more glad to see you moving in "gently." We really need to focus on being good to ourselves, nurturing ourselves, practicing good self care... and your comment about moving in at a gentle pace speaks volumes. Congrats on everything--your new married life,…
  • I'm getting the best kind of therapy today --an afternoon with my favorite 8-year-old. Tonight I will make lists, which always helps, makes me feel like I'm moving forward. The universe intervened and kept me sugar free and relatively on track. Thank you for all your support!
  • After posting the above, I read some of the threads in the For the Morbidly Obese group (thank you, Carly!!!), and really faced some unpleasant truths about where my head is right now. Quite honestly, the evil eating disordered beast has been pretty noisy lately. I can feel him prowling in the background. I can hear him…
  • This is a good read for me too, so thanks again, Carly. I have also been struggling to get and stay in the right head space lately. K.
  • You look amazing!!! Strong and healthy!
  • Wow. Thank for sharing this, Carly. Just what I needed today.
  • Well then! Apparently today is going to be a quiet day in here. Hellooooooo???? I know our treadmilling princess is tied up, and Cari is off at a Vegas pool party, but where are the rest of you? I overdid yesterday, and my body is refusing to move today. Plan is to make a big iced latte and put on my swimsuit and land in…
  • Nice work, Linzee!