

  • Sorry I'm a pizza lover and so is my fiance. I don't think there's a "worst possible thing" about pizza LOL.....well OK maybe if you get the thick, stuff crusted pizza with pepperoni and all that other "high fat/calorie" meat on it but yeah I agree with everyone else. Go thin crust and stick with veggies and chicken/low…
  • On the positive side there is no smoking allowed in the house I'm living in. Unfortunately the other 4 adults I live with ALL even though I'm trying to quit I'm constantly around smokers. Yet two of them are actually encouraging me to continue on with trying to quit. When the cravings have been so bad that…
  • I'm on day 3 now of not smoking. So far I'm coping. Been sucking on candy canes since they are the only hard candy we have in the house I'm living in right now, chewing on gum and doing anything else I can think of to occupy my mind when cravings hit. The problem is that they seem to be getting stronger with each one that…
  • PS: Wasn't easy but I survived the first 24 + hours being smoke free :) This morning the cravings were pretty easy to ignore but about 12:15PM I couldn't ignore it anymore. Grabbed 2 pieces of strong, minty gum to chew on which helped and when the next really bad craving hit I went for a nice walk in the woods. That really…
  • This is my problem. I smoke when I'm least that's what I did before I decided to quit. Now I don't know what to do and I'm under a lot of stress right now. For starters I'm living with 4 other adults and 2 small children in a small 3 bedroom place where my "bedroom" is the livingroom and I am winding up with…
  • It must be the year to quit smoking. One of my resolutions this year is that I'm going to quit. I am smoking my last pack now. Once the pack I have now is gone that's it I'm done. Number one it's too expensive. Number two it's bad for your health and I have just gotten engaged to a wonderful man and I want to be around for…
  • Hello, I am getting married this year as well. Right now my fiancee is overseas in Afganastan. He is a Marine so he is fighting for our freedom. I want to lose a lot of weight before my wedding. Unfortunately right now I'm not sure what my exact weight I'm going by the last weight I logged on here and hoping it's…
  • I suffer from clinical depression so I can totally relate to how you are feeling. I get like that too. The last person to reply is right. I am still learning not to care what anyone else thinks about what I'm eating and gave up caring what anyone else thought about how I dress a long time ago. In my case it's my mother who…
  • Currently I have 3. One on my upper right arm for one of my best friends who is like a brother to me and helped me through an extremely difficult time recently. That one says "I" then has a red, blue and green heart with the first 2 letters of his first name under the heart. We thought that we might take things farther…
  • I'm single and hoping to find my Mr. Right after I move to Montana. I'm hoping for someone who is supportive, funny, loving and he MUST get along with cats and dogs. That's a given as I have a Siamese cat and require the assistance of a service dog to help with my disablity. I was diagnosed in 2007 with a seizure disorder…