EllieB_5 Member


  • The self-loathing is hard to get over. My therapist reminds me all the time "look at yourself from a place of kindness and forgiveness". Fine, you hate the way you look, we all do or we wouldn't be here, but don't hate yourself. There is a difference. Forgive yourself for getting to this weight instead of loathing yourself…
  • I'm hooked on my coke zero. Occasionally I crave coffee but use no sugar. EDIT: Nothing wrong with juice, but some of our diets don't allow for that much sugar and especially in the mornings :smile:
  • Doing crunches?
  • Have you changed your macros and goals since losing the weight? MFP tries to do it for you, but it's not always accurate, so I hear. Perhaps use one of those calculators to re-establish where your macros and cals should be at your current weight.
  • There was a teen kicked out of a gym for wearing "too little". She was wearing yoga pants and tank-stye top that not only covered her midsection but was baggy enough to hide any curves she may have had. She was also slender and very cute, so, that may have had something to do with it :p
  • When I was capable of cycling, as long as I could make it within an hour I'd do it.
  • This.
  • I have the same problem. I've only had 500 calories today and I feel so full! I use hemp hearts, real mayo, cheddar cheese, coconut oil, heavy cream, any fatty/creamy dressings/dips, or chia seeds to increase my calories. Tonight it will be an extreme challenge to get 1000-1200 calories in to me without blowing my other…
  • If the first ingredient is peanuts, it's PB. Emiright? I do promote PB that has only peanuts in it, but that's just my new preference. OP, it's not hard to make your own nut butter. By raw or roasted peanuts, salt free or not, grind them into a paste, add whatever sweetener you want (or none), and voila! PB without the…
  • Judging by his pics, I agree; OP does seem to want to lose muscle mass :sick: Anorexia came to mind far before I read others writing it.
  • So... your butt-hole is exposed to the world? That's all I envision when I read "my bum cheeks don't touch". OP, butt cheeks are suppose to touch. If they don't touch not only have you gotten rid of fat but you have also gotten rid of muscle.
  • I'm not sure if finances are really discussed at any point within the first 10 dates or more. At least, I've never asked a guy how much he made and the "what do you do for a living" shouldn't come till much later since it's practically the same question. In a committed relationship, sure, the bread winner should take the…
  • I always offered to pay my share, the guy usually refused, I tell them it's no problem (for me to pitch in), guy still refused and pays the bill. If the guy was worth it I would at times tell him I'm taking him on a date and order him to leave his wallet at home. I don't think anybody should be obligated to pay for every…
  • 207lbs? PSHT! I wish I was only 207 lol.
  • I get severe and uncontrollable vomiting from starchy foods and especially wheat. I mean, I actually burst vessels in my eyeballs :sick: I cut a vast majority of that out and things began to settle. I started getting nauseous again lately and discovered it was from the excessive cocoa I used. I also can not eat more than…
  • Agreed. Or just fishing for compliments.
  • I've never consciously thought of "eating clean" but I do avoid as much of the processed, pre-packaged stuff as I can. I've almost become phobic of the unnecessary chemicals they add. I love using Corn Pops and Gorilla Munch as an example. Corn Pops has a huge list of ingredients while Gorilla Munch has three (corn, salt,…
  • You're awesome :flowerforyou:
  • It's the internet sweetie. Yes there's lots of good ppl on MFP, but being the internet you'll get lots of trolls and plan old d!cks. I've seen quite a few know-it-alls thinking that their opinion is the only correct opinion and anything you say in opposition is dead-wrong and perhaps even a personal attack. Gawd forbid you…
  • Can you believe there is actually vegetarian "bacon"? :noway: :laugh:
  • This.
  • The hum of my PC. Traffic out front. My dog snoring. The rats doing their wake-up routine aka squabbling. Edit: And the thunderous roar of two cats running back and forth upstairs.
  • :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :angry:
  • Sodium? Sometimes I have a general craving if I need sodium. Or if I simply have not drank enough water.
  • Our tap water tastes like algae and mildew. In the summer it often tests positive for nitrates (decomposing poop) from all the birds that sit in the open water pits or whatever you call them. I can not drink it. Bottled water I can drink, but I still can not drink as much of it as I'm "suppose to" without waking up every…
  • The fad, actually, is to add gluten to every single thing we eat. Gluten itself is unnecessary, not the desire to avoid it. Having said that, I do agree that restricting gluten completely isn't necessary, even if you have a non-Celiac intolerance to it (as I do). I restrict my grains and use gluten-free alternatives when I…
  • :laugh: I go as gluten-free as I can stand to (it reduces various symptoms); I tried totally gluten-free for a bit, and I honestly respect Celiacs for what they go through. I avoid grains like they're plagues, the live-in bf eats bread every day. He'll eat toast (ohmygodifknlovetoast), I refrain. When he goes shopping he…
  • I was originally diagnosed with fibro, have now been changed to myofascial pain syndrome, arthritis, etc. You can still add me if you like :)
  • It's Easter. I plan on enjoying it, with moderation.
    in Easter Comment by EllieB_5 April 2014