kashadilla Member


  • Aldi first timers guide: 1) Bring a quarter. You'll need it to get a cart unlocked, there is a little spot on the cart where you pop the quarter in and it unlocks the cart from the corral. (This is so they don't have to pay people to fetch carts from the parking lot.) 2) Bring your own bags, or you can buy some at check…
  • Aldi is my store. Love it, do all of my shopping there. The store in my town sells the largest volume of product among stores in the US and they are currently remodeling it. When I was speaking with the manager the other day they said it is going to be the BIGGEST aldi location in the US! So excited :smile: I literally buy…
  • Great job recognizing it as an excuse and doing something about it! I've played this game with myself pretty often too, and I have been trying to find small ways to overcome it. I make say, 6 chicken breasts with dinner instead of 2 so I can chop up the leftovers for salads. Or taking a few hours one afternoon to…
  • When my first daughter was born, I was so focused on taking care of her and figuring out handling life as a new mom that my self care went way downhill. I gained about 30 pounds, and I DID NOT REALIZE IT until I saw pictures of myself from Christmas. I put on pounds pretty evenly all over so my clothes really didn't fit…
  • I always think it looks like carrot juice or squash soup :)
  • Sent you a request! I started where I left off at almost exactly 200 lbs after my second daughter was born. Down around 194 now.
  • oh, the sadness. I'm just now realizing that this is probably why I spent yesterday a blubbering mess on the couch...just started spotting, 7 months pp. I'd been EBFing until our last dr appt, baby wasn't gaining great so we had to start supplementing and increased her solids a bit.
  • I'd love to join you as well :) I have a 3 year old and a now 7 month old baby and work part time. I didn't actually gain any weight during either of my pregnancies so I literally can't blame this on baby weight! Heh. I've been here daily lately and plan to keep it up as I've start losing again after a little plateau/gain…
  • I love almonds! I eat some everyday with dried cranberries. I usually portion them into single serving baggies when I get them home from the store, because I will eat the whole bag otherwise!!
  • Google 'Alton Brown food dehydrator' (there is also an episode - maybe two - of his show 'Good Eats' that features his method) He does it with paper air filters (the sort a houses heating/cooling system uses) strapped to a box fan with bungee cords. There are tutorials all over the net for using it for anything from fruit…