mpurkis Member


  • My sister has done that exact diet a couple of times now. She usually drops 5-6 pounds. It's obviously water weight, but it helps get her motivated to stick to a "real" diet plan and exercise.
  • I usually do 60-70 minutes at the gym 3 or 4 days a week, plus running 3 miles (30 min) 3 or 4 days a week. I alternate days, so that's why it's not the same exact workout on the same days every week.
  • I was exactly the same. I got a Couch to 5K app for my iPod and used that. It eased me into running. I started exactly 2 month ago and could barely jog the 60 second intervals. Last night I ran 5k nonstop for the first time at roughly 11 min/mile. I was pretty excited :) Definitely that was a good program to use as it uses…
  • Yep, I do...and it's awful trying to lose weight. My doctor is actively trying to modify my Synthroid to find the right dosage that will help. Apparently you can be in the "normal" range, but everyone's sweet spot in that normal range is different. Sometimes just getting to a slightly different spot in that range can make…
  • I'm not a huge sweets person, but I do get cravings. I try to find stuff that is okay to eat that still satisfies my sweet tooth. My current "indulgence" is one of those little sponge cake dessert cups (80 cal) with 2 tbsp of fat free Cool Whip and some pureed fruit on top. It takes a while to eat and tastes sweet and…
  • I use Jillian Michaels Whey Protein powder - triple chocolate flavor. It's not overly sweet or "whey-tasting". I mix it with 1 cup fat free milk most of the time, sometimes I chuck in some fruit, but it's definitely drinkable.
    in Whey Protein Comment by mpurkis May 2011
  • Oh I know!! She's so lucky -- but she's like super young too, and she works out pretty heavy at the gym and runs races. When I was in my twenties, I ate horrible and still was a skinny stick. Ah - the days :)
  • Yeah that's an annoying feature. Starvation mode is usually defined as eating more than 500 calories fewer than your body requires for the day (this includes exercise calories), or as less than 50% of what your body requires. You won't go into starvation mode eating even 1100 calories a day at your height/weight unless…
  • I feel you. I'm the same height and have been the same weight (twice, ugh!) and I rarely see a huge difference in clothing size, etc. between 150-160 lbs. I usually have to hit about 145 before I finally can start wearing single-digit sizes on a regular basis. I think that sometimes our body types and our height tend to…