It set me at 1200 calories then yelled at me to eat more!



  • Dellonious1
    Dellonious1 Posts: 209
    Its NOT really a pop up.. I saw it today on mine. After you enter you food for the day scroll down the page and it will show if your under or over..
  • HighGlossSauce
    HighGlossSauce Posts: 8 Member
    So what's up with this. I put in my weight/height/goals and whatnot and it popped out that I'm supposed to eat 1200 calories a day. Fine. So today I ate like 1100-something, literally like 20 calories shy of my target number and a little message pops up that I might be putting my body into starvation mode. WTH?

    Thank you and good day.

    Was 1180 your NET? Did you exercise at all?

    No, I was a total lazy bone all day. The 1140whatever was net, but I really ate like 1400 and breast fed, which is worth -300. I'm secretly thinking to pump and dump the rest of my life just to get the extra calories. Haha, I'll be a lactating granny. At least I'll be a gilf!
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I can't stop looking at your profile pic.

    you took the words out of my mouth haha

    You guys are just stunned because I'm such a super hottie. Rowr.

    No, I was talking about the cake. It looks delicious.

  • mpurkis
    mpurkis Posts: 10 Member
    Yeah that's an annoying feature.

    Starvation mode is usually defined as eating more than 500 calories fewer than your body requires for the day (this includes exercise calories), or as less than 50% of what your body requires. You won't go into starvation mode eating even 1100 calories a day at your height/weight unless you're eating only that and burning off another 500-1000/day. I read a lot of articles recently about that, that starvation mode is VERY relative and is based on metabolism, weight, what those 1100 calories (or whatever number) consist of, etc. And it doesn't happen in one day either. It takes quite a few days of depriving your body of everything necessary for it to "shut down". If your 1100 calories are all empty, then your body will react strongly to that; if you eat 1100 calories of clean, healthy foods with high protein, your body is not just going to shut down. It's possible for someone who is smaller to eat a very healthy 1000-1100 calories a day, exercise, and lose weight. My doctor doesn't recommend that I eat any more than 1000-1100 a day or I will gain. So everybody's body is very different.

    1200 is just a guideline. :)

    Thanks, Melanie! I forgot to say it also yells at me for eating too much fiber. Isn't that like having too much money? Whatever. I think I'm going to shoot for 1300 net calories anyway. (Of course you already know I'm breast feeding, so there's 300 I eat and subtract). Plus who enters every little "light to moderate house cleaning" they do? I'm sure I'm burning something somewhere.

    Not to be a total gossip (who am I kidding) but are you FB friends w/Layla's mom from our old board? She weights 116 pounds and eats 1400 calories a day AND exercises. That lady is going to disappear!


    Oh I know!! She's so lucky -- but she's like super young too, and she works out pretty heavy at the gym and runs races. When I was in my twenties, I ate horrible and still was a skinny stick. Ah - the days :)