MrsCFldsRN Member


  • I must recant my previous recommendation of Beverly International products. I found out that they are on the NFL Player's Banned Substances list ( Evidently, something was found in the products that was considered unsafe or banned. I was really surprised about this. I've been affiliated with AdvoCare…
  • I recommend Beverly International products. They are of a high quality and they taste great. It's what my trainer, IFBB Hall of Famer, Ron Love, had me on. That, along with the appropriate intensity training program and appropriate clean diet helped me to make excellent gains.
  • For a quick easy reference, you may purchase an electronic hand held body fat monitor from a drug/health food store. In addition to the calipers you may find that helpful.
  • I'm planning on purchasing a book called, "By any Greens Necessary". I don't remember the author's name.