amymeenieminymo Member


  • I've been back and forth on this so many times, but it has never worked for me. Truthfully, I hate counting calories. It makes me feel like I am in "food jail" and I feel like, despite having great success years ago, counting calories has actually caused me to have a more unhealthy relationship with food. When I first…
  • Doctor's office. More specifically, an endocrinologist....which I feel like it makes it even worse.
  • I should have said, she is a registered dietician has a degree and works out of the doctor's office. I wasn't positive that there was a difference which is why I used both words in the title. But thanks, you all backed up exactly what I was thinking. I've lost the weight before, MFP is where I came 8 years ago and was very…
  • I do head home. I just prefer to shower at the gym so I can get started on chores and/or work when I get home. If I wait to shower when I get home, I could see myself being lazy and not shower at all, or procrastinate and get nothing done till after I finally shower.. I'm home with my daughter so showering at the gym is…
  • Can't believe I didn't think of that. I'll give that a try.
  • As others said, you're technically right. For a time I was subtracting out the calories I would have burned anyway sitting on the couch. But the downside to that is, it can mess with your head. If I really worked hard and burned 350 calories on the treadmill, it was a real morale killer to have to say I really only burned…
  • I'm in the same boat. Well sort of, my daughter is almost 7 months old, and thanks to gestational diabetes I didn't gain any weight during my pregnancy, BUT, I went into the pregnancy about 60 pounds overweight. Feel free to add me!
  • It goes two ways for me. If someone is honestly unhappy with their body, even if they are smaller than me, it doesn't bother me because I know everyone has their own struggles. My best friend has always been super skinny, but since having her two babies, some of the weight has stuck around her thighs/hips and tummy. I…
  • I guess as with anything there are pros and cons. I am not an only child, I have an older brother, and my husband is the only boy and youngest of 3, so they say only children are spoiled, well he's spoiled as the baby and the only boy. Our daughter is an only child (sort of, she has a sister in heaven but for all intents…
  • Me! I love tennis. I played it all through high school (except for senior year, my coach hated me and my friend and she just made it miserable). I've been out of high school for, er, a while but about 12 ish years ago I found intermediate/cardio tennis offered by the city so I've been doing that 1-2 times a week most…
  • Like other's have said, you cannot get him to do something he doesn't want to do. He may say he wants to, but until he actually puts in the effort there isn't much you can do. Since he seems very picky with healthy foods and you don't have the means to even buy and prepare healthy foods, perhaps try getting him to see that…
  • I guess that is my main problem....associating dinner with curling up in front of the TV often makes me want to throw out whatever I had planned for dinner (not literally) and get McDonalds or something. So really, I'm hoping eating at the table changes my overall view of dinner to make me want to eat a healthier, home…
  • I'm so sorry for your loss. The loss of a parent has such a huge impact on your life, whether you saw it coming or not. It does get better, but it's not something you can get through in a couple of weeks. Even ten years later I still miss my mom so much I cry like a baby. Be easy on yourself right now....count you…
  • This is a great idea, but it'll have to wait a bit, she's only three months old ;). But when I am cleaning with the music turned up I do like to grab her and dance around. Great work out and we have fun.
  • Oh no, I'm so sorry for your loss! Congrats on the weightloss though, you look amazing.
  • can't spot reduce, but if that is where your only extra weight is, I would imagine fat burned would burn from there. Also, ab work outs are fine and all, but don't expect them to do much for the flab over the muscle. Ab work outs primarily work the ab muscles, but you need cardio (and better food choices) to…
  • Yeah I considered that, but I've been yo-yoing the same 3-4 pounds for the last several months. So if I was lighter when I was biking more, it was only by a couple of pounds so I doubt that was it.
  • When I was checking it, it was in the high 130's, low 140's which seems normal. The max was 159 which also seems normal for hills and such. I wasn't checking it in the very beginning, but when I checked it about 10 minutes in it was already reading almost 200 calories that point I should have only burned about…
  • It was only 8 miles round trip, about 42 minutes so roughly 9 MPH...doesn't seem enough at all. I checked the weight setting, it is correct for my current weight (which I won't say what that is though :)
  • The 50 pounds I lost was a couple of years ago, I have since gained it back plus about 10, so I am starting from the beginning here. It just seems like at this early in the game it should be way easier to lose, especially considering how poor I had been eating and how little exercise I was getting in the last year. I would…
  • :drinker: Took the words right out of my mouth.
  • Research calorie dense foods. You can consume a lot of calories in very little volume (peanut butter, avocado, milk, nuts, seeds).
  • I agree somewhat, however so far I haven't been able to lose weight without counting calories. I do sometimes feel imprisoned and I am dying to just eat something without weighing and measuring and logging it first. It becomes a real drag. I am hoping that when I get to my goal weight I can just try to eat healthier, eat…
  • Like you I need some kind of noise. Last year we got a new tempur pedic bed, the one that you can raise the head and/or foot of the bed and it also has a "massage" feature. The massage feature is nothing more than the head and/or foot area vibrating. But my husband and I like to turn it on because it kind of lulls us to…
  • The first time, which was over the last 15 years it just slowly came on. I started eating worse, moving less....I felt like I had a reverse eating disorder, instead of looking in the mirror and seeing a fat girl that needed to lose weight, I still felt like a somewhat ok size and always kept intending to get any extra…
  • Aside from one or two comments, the majority of the people saying they prefer to before pictures were not "bashing" her, just giving their honest opinion in a respectful way IMO. I personally prefer the before pics, however there may be a few reasons why most people are gravitating toward them. In the first picture she is…
  • Thank you everyone for your kind words. I've decided to still take it easy (ie not counting calories) but still making smart choices. It's not something I can keep up long term, but I think for the next week or so it's smarter to go easier on myself. But I did get out and burn almost 700 calories playing tennis, so I'm…
  • I stop it as soon as I am done working out. I used to let it go until my HR returned to a resting rate or close to it, but that was when I also figured in the amount of calories I would have burned just doing nothing. So for example, if I worked out for an hour and my HRM said I burned 400 calories, I would only count 300…