

  • Same here! I have a 6 month old and this time around seems to be tougher then ever. I guess being older doesn't help. I am so tired all the time after I get home from work. Good luck!!
  • No matter who you ask they are going to say the phone that they have and like best. I would research and see what phone would meet your needs and do what you want it to within your price range. There are A LOT of good smartphones out there now. I think it's a matter of preference. I have the iphone 4 and LOVE it but not…
  • Yes! That works!! Thanks!!
  • Welcome!! This place is great! I'm fairly new here and love the help and kindness from everyone!
  • Hi everyone!! My son is 6 months old and I Breastfeed him but have to supplement with formula :cry: I EBF my middle son for 18 months and was a SAHM then. I have struggled with supply with this son since day 1 but am happy that I can give him what I do. He only gets formula when I am at work. He nurses when I'm home then…
  • Glad someone knows how I feel. My youngest son was a Blizzard 2010 baby!! I can't imagine life without him now!! I need all the support I can get too!!! So glad I found this place
  • I can't find it?? I put in MFP Mamas
  • I will have to Find it on FB! I'm fairly new to MFP. I have 3 boys, 12, 10 and 6 months old. I lost 60 lbs before getting pregnant last yr and now I feel like I'm starting all over :(:sad: