

  • wow! Welcome to the club! It's my 2nd day but first on this forum :D Good luck to all us newbies.
  • thanks everybody. I should wear an HRM too ;-) as for munchies... yes that is a problem!!!! I notice they don't start immediately after the session, but after a couple of hours. I usually go swimming after work, so that there's not much time left between swimming and dinner. I guess I should prevent eating too late :)
    in swimming Comment by edinam February 2010
  • great job! Wish you good luck :) I've stopped running a couple of years ago because of an aching knee, switched to swimming but it's not really the same! Running is addictive!
  • Cheers people! You're all so lovely :-) Wish you the best. @BettyDrWork: it's true! Problem is, after such a long time on a diet (+1 year) you're kind of tired of this strict lifestyle...
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