NotASoul Member


  • Aw hell no - I've lost 10 pounds in way less than 20 weeks before! Where'd your numbers come from?
  • 5'4, 128 (approx.) GW: 119 GW2: 112
  • I do exercise but I don't log it because it ups calories ridiculously much when I do. The times I wasn't logging was during holidays and exams - I'm at university and don't want my mum to know I'm calorie counting (pathetic, I know, but there you have it), and I didn't want to make exam stress worse by logging during them.…
  • The gram entries are weighed, but for things like apples where it says on the packet the standard weight and calories I tend to go with that. I try to eat at least 1000 calories as I read that this is the lowest that is safe - I try not to snack too much but on three meals a day I do end up eating below 1200, sometimes…
  • Diary open - go ahead, you have between 24 and 48 hours (only opening temporarily, probably 24 hours but 48 if I forget...)
  • I weigh 119 lbs and am 5'3 or 5'4... I think 5'4 but not certain...
  • Sorry if I came across as uppity, I was just surprised by my own reaction to this calorie level and was curious about whether other people felt the same. Didn't mean to offend. Apologies if I did.
  • Nay - nothing to do with weight, they're just BAD for you!
  • Having "cheat days" once in a while is ok - as they say, 'a little of what you fancy does you good' and just about any food is fine in moderation. Best way to avoid binges or food guilt is to give yourself permission to have a treat, and then really enjoy what you are eating. This way, you don't get the "I have failed -…
  • Granted. Now they never speak to each other. I wish I could have a day of eating anything without getting fat and with no food guilt!
  • Breadsticks, fruit, popcorn, rice cakes (particularly good)... can't think of anything else right now
  • Don't know about other people but I've found that exercising a lot the week before my period really helps with cramps and PMS symptoms - usually I have terrible cramps (like, have to go home from work due to fainting type of cramps), but have recently discovered that exercise really helps. As for food cravings, I tend to…
  • I tend not to count exercise partly because I can't be bothered and partly because when I do I don't lose nearly as much weight. Tbh if you go over your calories just on one day it probably won't make that much difference - I've been over a couple times in the past two weeks and it hasn't had much effect. (that said, I…
  • Onion and garlic tend to be a really good combination for seasoning, also adding stock helps.
  • Porridge with water instead of milk is excellent as a low calorie breakfast. Greek yoghurt with honey and seeds or granola is also good, but can be less filling. For lunch, omelettes are good, especially with vegetables added, also soup and salad - with salad it's usually a good idea to include avocado or egg or cheese or…
  • Omelettes are good, especially when you add vegetables and have a side salad with it - low calorie AND gets you nutrients, and is also quite filling! Stir fry is also good, if you want a very low calorie version add garlic and onion for flavouring instead of a sauce, and instead of having it with noodles just add all the…
  • Weirdly enough, pineapple... not sure why but definitely don't object!
  • Ok, maybe I was being vague - I only occasionally eat below 1200 calories per day, and it is not something I realised I might be doing until the last few days, when out of curiosity I measured my approximate calorie intake on a day when I had mostly cut out snacking. I am aware of the inaccuracy involved, which is why I…
  • You don't have to get irritable, it was just an observation. And even if I'm not accurate, I would have to be out by quite a lot for it to be much above 1200. The things I don't weigh (with a scale - I don't own measuring cups...) are fruit and vegetables anyway so unlikely to be throwing calculations out by much.
  • I think it's subjective - I've realised (by calorie counting out of pure curiousity) that quite often if I completely cut out snacking and just eat three meals a day my calorie intake does end up around or below 1200 calories...