

  • I don't know how true this statement is but I was told that for some people the first 90 days on a lchf diet people can show a more negative cholesterol panel but after that it should start evening out as your body adapts to the diet. But like I said I haven't checked out the truth in that just relayin what I heard :-)
  • My current fav is oven fried chicken. First you take pork rinds and blend them up finely and mix with parm cheese. Then You coat the chicken in mayo and roll in the parm/rind mixture and bake in oven! So delish! I also make breadless pizza I just take my loaf pan and spread pizza sauce in the bottom and top with cheese and…
  • Ok so yesterday I finally tried bp coffee. I made it with mct oil and ghee. I also put cocoa powder in it. It made a nice foam on the top after blending it but I couldn't get myself to drink it all. I felt nausea. I don't know if it was all in my head or what. Well today I tried it again but I used coconut oil and ghee and…
  • Ok so I checked today and it didn't knock me out of ketosis whew!
  • It shouldn't as long as you're pairing it with enough fat
  • After reading bk through the tread I did see where someone said they used it but never said how much. It probably isn't any difference but in my thinking of you are removing things from the butter to make ghee then what's left is more concentrated? Therefore maybe requiring you to use slightly less? I think I'll just…
  • Has anyone tried using ghee instead of butter? If so do you use the same amt as you would the butter?
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