

  • eat the fruit! The fruit is much better for you then simple sugar "sweets" like cookies and candy. Some fruits are higher than sugar than others.. If you are not choosy, you might want to go with the lower glycemic index fruits.. In general I say if it isnt broke.. dont fix it! You are losing and eating healthy. Keep up…
  • Try the SHAPE Magazine, every month it has a compete strenght workout you can do at home. Great Magazine!
  • Try increasing your protein intake to help with building muscle, but keep your fat intake lean and lower. I personally don't eat all the calories MFP suggests..but 1600 calories at 215lbs is low. I would think you should need to be eating closer to 1800. You should google it. Lots of great tools on the internet.
  • I have this exact same question. MFP says if you eat too few it will hinder your weight loss. I have a bit of an insulin resistant issue and have started limiting "bad" carbs as I tend to lose weight better without them. I rarely make it to my calorie goal in a day. I have been concerned that this will work against me. I…