sarah18253 Member


  • I'm all of a sudden having terrible feelings of guilt! I hope I didn't just hijack this nice mans post! In all my years using MFP, I don't think I've ever asked for help. I know I read, and Google, and read some more, but when I read his question, I got all excited and just started typing without making sure I was in the…
  • Thank you. I have actually upped my calories to a 250 cal deficit per day. I guess I'll try maintenance level on Body Pump days. Although, I'm not quite sure how I should go about increasing the weight I'm using during the workout, because I'm squatting with all the weights the program came with, but at the same time, I…
  • I am in the same boat! I am a 5'2" 34 year old woman, and before my last 2 children, I was about 115. Yes I had a little pooch from my first baby, but I still felt confident in a bikini. 2 kids later, not so much! I'm back down to 115, but nothing looks the same. I have nice toned arms, skinny legs, but a big lower pooch,…