donseennu Member


  • 1. This is a slow process. Your body needs to understand and adjust, this takes some time. 2. It is 80% eating healthy and 20% exercise. 3. avoid any high sugar, processed food. 4. eat whole grains, brown over white (brown bread v/s white bread etc) 5. water is another important factor. when you start working out, your…
  • Insanity workout is intense, your body most likely will retain water, that is one reason why you don't see results immediately. Drink at least 8 to 10 glass of water and that should help.
  • check out team beach body's tony's 10 minute workout. this might help you get something done if you have 10 minutes to spare. if you have more time then you can follow the 20 or 30 minute schedule.
  • 1. My Fitness Pal is the first place to start. Click on My Home->Goal and enter the information. It will give you the amount of calories you will need to eat based on your choices. 2. Stick to your diet and enter all that you eat in MFP to see how you are doing. 3. Avoid any processed, high sugar and any/all junk food…
  • in very simple terms, let's say calorie burnt is like Milage. a Bus can burn more calories (less mileage) than a car. This is because Bus is a lot heavier and it uses more fule to travel the same distance as a Car. Car in other terms is smaller which has burns less fule (calories). this is just a visual example to…