

  • sounds good and I hope to try it soon. What do people mean when they write "bump" (I'm new to the site)
  • www.liveskinny.com gives some good information about Tonalin CLA. I just bought a bottle from VitaminShoppe.com, I'll let you know in about a month what I think if you like.
  • I do it after the meal, just in case I add or delete something. The only thing I add before hand is water. If I grab a bottle and it's 24 oz. (3 servings) I'll click 3 before I'm finished.
  • Growing up I never had a "father figure" in my life, the guy was there, but not much of a dad. I started dating this girl when I was in my 20's and her Grandfather got me into geocaching. I absolutely loved it. We got to explore all parts of Utah, Nevada, and Arizona looking for "treasure". I swear it was the first time in…
  • If you have an iPhone there is an app called "Fooducate" it is really cool in the way it grades foods. It tells you what is bad about the food you are looking at and offers better suggestions. I don't know if the app is available for other phones. Most people have said it, but sodium is the worst part of prepared foods…
  • There are a lot of replies I breezed past so I apologize if I repeat something someone already said. How much water are you drinking? Sodium retains water weight and drinking lots of water will help flush that right out. I started in 9/2011 and lost 20 pounds but since I lift weights my biggest loss is in the fact that I…
  • I'm from Baltimore Maryland, but currently living in Virginia trying to make it back to San Diego California.