

  • mfp name: kaclark15 name: kelsey height:5'3" sw:140 cw: 139.8 (took a few weeks off haha woops) gw:120 day 1 exercise cals: 207 (Jillian Michael's tape - 20min)
  • i think we're in the same boat here!! it is amazing what grocery shopping will do for your diet, but when you walk away with $70 - $100 out of your pocket after buying all the healthy necessities, it makes it hard to stay on top. My goal is to have will power over eating all the junk food at school just because its…
  • Join the club... this site really is excellent, but the college life makes it difficult to stay on top of the logging. Thank god for my blackberry or else i would struggle remembering everything. I don't know if you have th same problem, but being away at school and being the stressed, broke college student that i am... is…