

  • Thanks for the suggestions. Is my treadmill running still good cardio?then just add more core exercise?
  • O yes especially after losing weight. Sometimes I think your mind still believes you are heavier.kinda weird.
  • What specific kinds? it sucks for sure work hard to lose then stress about what I have left to fix. I am up for trying anything to help.thanks for your reply!
  • I should mention when I stand it's not noticeable at all but when I sit its definitely not tight and toned. I am not looking to lose weight just tackle this tummy issue. Anyone else like this?:)
  • I was diagnosed when I was around 15. I successfully have lost around 70 lbs. It wasn't easy trust me but it's possible. Now I want to firm up my tummy. Now it's very much smaller but still there. It annoys me daily.I want it to not just be there hanging around lol any suggestions or success stories? I can tell over time…
  • So far just a few free weights like dumb bells and kettle bell swings. I also run on incline on my treadmill . Seems to me to help tone I think.
  • What type of weights will benefit us the best? I have lost and want to tone my tummy as well.
  • I have heard kettle bell swings and planks work well. I would like to know more lifting ideas with free weights. Anyone have ideas? More so to tone the core or tummy area? Lotion is good to use as well. Nivea makes some good kinds.
  • One day at a time. You can do it :) I understand struggles with PCOS.never give up as hard as it may seem some days.
  • Cool thanks for the suggestions..planks are good . I am getting better at them. Anyone know any good kettle bell exercises?
  • Kinda my thoughts too ... Should I continue running with elevation and keep up weights? It just seems icky to me makes me feel lol I also have been upping my protein and trying to drink more water. I do think I still have a bit of fat to lose in that area too though.I notice when I am sitting I have a decent amount…
  • Me too! I am also a newbie. I dont wanna lose weight but I need help toning up. I get down on myself as I lost 85 lbs in 3 years. My tummy feels weird like as I got to my goal it got that feeling. I currently weigh 134 ,but my stomach is the only thing I feel I need to work brings me down. I am starting Jillians ab…