

  • Flower girl it sounds like you leveled off with your current diet/exercising. Do you eat unhealthy foods or sugary drinks? or do you think you could exercise a bit more? You have to do more if you want to get away from that plateau. Im sure you know that though since you have already lost so much. Congratulations on your…
  • Mom2bug... Did you get over the gym routine hump? It seems to be an easy habit to keep up now. I just keep ramping up what im doing but now that im at this weight i am trying to start bulking up. It feels like the only way to get into better shape is to first get consistent with some sort of exercising and then eat…
  • I lost 105ish lbs since last feb. I plateaud hard st 80 lbs lost. then just went hsrder. So whsts up?? I gotta say it is weird still being me even though I have lost so much. I don't think I would of been who I am now if I had always had the weight off.. anyways fire away with as many questions as you. wsnt. I'd love to…
  • https://z-1-scontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/t31/1496415_484966408290045_558174408_o.jpg. https://z-1-scontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc1/t31/1890563_513553315431354_1782680372_o.jpg. and this last picture is about a month or so old..but in that month I have lost around 20lbs.…