I'm daniel. lost 105 since feb 9th.

Hi I'm Daniel and I was your typical obsessed gamer. I was up to 325lbs (maybe 330. I stopped using the scale because it was too depressing. ). Now I'm down to 222 after just 1 year. My weight loss story isn't exactly like most I have heard. You see I got offered a difficult gardening job for a major lawncare company. I some how managed the courage to accept it anf started last feb 9th. The work was tough and I was maybe working 50 hrs a day. Every single day was a battle to get up and get to work. Every day it was difficult to keep up with the work. My diet didn't change. .. If anything it got to be even worse. Some how I still manged to lose about 65 lbs by july. Due to my inability to work with my team leader I was moved to a different division. Which was only because of the nig heart of my boss and the fact that he liked how much weight loss and progress I was making. My new position left me sitting in a car 8hrs a day and the other 2 were also very easy labor tasks. My diet didn't changr but my weight loss kept persisting. I was definitely confused until a month later I realized how muxh muscle I had lost and how mich fat I had gainrd. It was very scary and I couldn't believe I was going back to my old life. For october and November I upped how many times I was going to the gym from 2 times to 4 times abd I lowered just how ridiculous my diet was. With that tapered and my diet I was able to lose another 10 lbs and maintain a still fat but much healthier body. near the end of December though I decided I wanted more. I decided I was done messing around and started week by week to increase my routine, get more knowledge on my body and the foods ik eating. I also found a cool app but I read the rules and I'm not allowed to plug it. it was just a good one stop source for a lot of the information I needed and also it helped to inspire more research. Currently I'm up to abouy 103-108 lbs lost. I hit the gym 14 times a week and I hike 15 miles a week. I eat 375 grams of xomplex carbs and 150-170 grams of protein and 45ish grams of fat every day. no dairy and very low salt intake. I'm taking kre alkalyn, whey protein, glutamine, bcaas, broad spectrum multi vitamin, calcium dailys, cologen (my strech marks suck :( ) and omega 3 dailys. I plan to do cycles of 4 weeks k n and 2 weeks off for the kre alkalyn. I put this in introduction and not success story because .... well what I have done so far is nothing compared to what I'm gonna be doing. keep a look out for me :) 6 months-2 yrs. :) Any suggests or advice or recipe ideas that abide by my strict diet would be very helpful too. I eats lots of veggies and fruits and I make fruit shakes from frzen fruit and water. water and supplements are the only liquids that go in me. ill post pics later. I can't figure out how to post pictures on here.
