JLA5 Member


  • Hi:) My husband really likes the french vanilla slim fast with 1%milk and a banana(it's good). I like to make smoothies with yoplait or fage yogart, 1%milk, little honey, and frozen mangos, sometimes add other berries or nanas, or even pineapple juice(so good). Hope these help, have fun blending:)
  • They're all great! Zumba is awesome too! You should just do them all, mix it up, day by feeling and enjoy yourself:) A fun way to be healthy.
  • Hi:) I understand you completely! I stay home with our almost 2(oh goodness!)year old, and we have 2 others (14 and 10). You can friend me if you'd like. It is hard, but we have to be strong with our self and it eventually if not already will take a positive turn for all around us:) Have a happy and productive day.
  • Remember muscle weighs more. I can see a big difference in your picts! Your leaner:) Way to go, keep it up, tell your inner down thoughts to leave you be and remember to smile:)