mjtackett2006 Member


  • Welllll.... I couldn't keep up with her.
  • I am a snacker. The most helpful change for me, besides ditching sweet tea, was switching my unhealthy snacks for healthy ones. I put a bowl of plain air popped popcorn or fresh veggies from our garden on the table. I snack on that all day. I keep my meals moderate and drink as much water as I can stand.
  • She kept stealing my favorite t-shirts.
  • I agree with the sleep adjustments. If you and the kids aren't getting enough sleep, you will all be irritable and it is likely interfering with your weight loss. One thing I haven't seen mentioned is drinks. Intake in any form counts. I have a low appetite and use MFP to improve my intake. For several months I hardly ate,…
  • What about lunch? If you eat like this every day, you will likely get bored with the lack of variety. I think a trip to a dietician to add variety to your diet would be a good thing. Since you don't care for meat, request a vegetarian diet. That will help you get all the nutrients you need in a way you find agreeable.
  • I've had several people tell me this including a doctor. But my situation is a bit different than most. A few months after I had my thyroid removed, I lost my appetite. So much so that I have a daily reminder on my phone to make lunch for my kids. At first I wasn't losing any weight. Then I stopped drinking sweet tea all…