I am not convinced...



  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    If it is just about losing the weight for you, then yes, as long as you are at a deficit, you will lose, regardless of what you eat. Everything in moderation. I had a hard time cutting out the sweets too, but once I started logging everything, and realized how many calories are int he things I loved, I chose to stay away from them the best I could. Good or bad, I see food now as calories. When I look at a donut and say a chicken breast, I see 300 calories vs. 120 calories.... hmmm, which do I want? Granted, some days I still choose the donut, or even half a donut, but as time has passed, more often than not, I choose the chicken breast... It does get easier with time. Stick to it, you can do this!

    Me, I'd eat the chicken and then eat the donut because chicken isn't donuts and doesn't fill that donut need. .
  • kaseyr1505
    kaseyr1505 Posts: 624 Member
    I eat 70-80% healthy stuff, and 20-30% delicious, treats. I've lost about 37 pounds.

    Find a balance that works for you, something you can stick with long term.
  • I use the same advice I give to my 4 year old. Make good choices.

    I don't go all militant on what I eat and don't eat, but I do make sure I don't binge on bad stuff and steer myself towards the good. A little exercise has gone a long way too. I think after a while it all runs together and becomes easier and the body tends to jump-start itself too.
  • LaurenBrooke1843
    LaurenBrooke1843 Posts: 73 Member
    I eat pretty unhealthy foods most of the time and I've lost 40 lbs so far in 14 weeks. I wasn't "technically" overweight, but I was a pound from it bmi-wise. I hardly exercised at all, so it has all been diet based.
    So, it is definitely possible to lose while eating junk. That being said, and being a total hypocrite, that's really not a goal to strive for. Adding a few things now and then to your meal plans so you don't feel deprived, while keeping your macros in mind is a much better and healthier idea :)
  • KilaMarie88
    KilaMarie88 Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks everyone! I guess I am trying to make a lifestyle "diet" I've tried clean eating/carb restriction in the past... and I just feel like its so unrealistic for me to eat that way for the rest of my life!! Unfortunately I have the "perfectionist" problem... where it has to be perfect when I restrict or its not going to work... which is why it eventually turns into a bad binge... I think that if I stop restricting myself from foods I find tasty and eat them in moderation I will get a lot farther with my goals.... I for some reason have never tried this... btw I completely respect those that do eat Paleo clean.... if anything I'm envious that its simple for you to be satisfied eating that way!!! I'm glad to see that there are people out there who still lose weight eating the not so healthy food choices though :D
  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    Eating fast food never kept me full enough. Sure, it might be yummy but that yumminess factor comes with a price which is higher calories so meaning, if you were to eat less of it to be within your calorie range, that means you might end up hungry anyways because portions are smaller for such high calorie foods. A lot of people will tell you 80% clean eating and 20% whatever you want; you can have the taco or sweets but for the rest of the day, eat whole foods. I follow somewhat of the same pattern. I'm eating mainly whole foods now and I don't crave all the "junk". It took me a good 2 years to achieve this status and to overcome my cravings. Don't really miss the sweets/fast foods as they are now too sweet, too greasy, or too salty for me (which gives me either headaches or a bad feeling in my stomach); I'd rather reach for the fruits to be honest. Lol.
  • PapaChanoli
    PapaChanoli Posts: 178 Member
    If I have to eat boring, I know I'll fail. I eat what I can afford, and what I enjoy. The majority of my diet is fairly good. The most I'm trying to do is stay away from simple carbs and sugars, and eat very small servings of foods that are super high in calories.

    But I am doing to all at a deficit and it's working.

    For instance. I had salami on a sandwich today without realizing that the 8 pathetic little slices were totaling 400 calories. Worse yet, I did it on cheap, white bread. I only ate the bread because my wife was kind enough to make a killer sandwich and we rarely buy straight, white bread anyway. It was just cheap. I also had failed to tell her that I'm trying to do a short term low carb phase in my eating. I just ate it. By the time I logged it all I had stuffed 900 calories in one meal. That sucks because I'm left with a small dinner tonight, but in the end, I enjoyed it. I'll still be at a deficit by the days end. I will not be hungry because of it because I'll eat good, bulky, low carb foods tonight. Plus, I logged some good cardio today and didn't even log my weight training. I'm good. It's junky, great tasting food, and that little bit of enjoyment will carry me through.

    This is the only sustainable way I know of that won't burn me out and is yielding great results of about 3 pounds per week so far. I'm hardly ever hungry. I eat occasional treats and I'm not a grumpy SOB from hunger.

    MFP works well with a little backup knowledge. The forum site is super helpful.

    I think he OP is a good question. The answer is, it's doable.
  • PapaChanoli
    PapaChanoli Posts: 178 Member
    Thanks everyone! I guess I am trying to make a lifestyle "diet" I've tried clean eating/carb restriction in the past... and I just feel like its so unrealistic for me to eat that way for the rest of my life!! Unfortunately I have the "perfectionist" problem... where it has to be perfect when I restrict or its not going to work... which is why it eventually turns into a bad binge... I think that if I stop restricting myself from foods I find tasty and eat them in moderation I will get a lot farther with my goals.... I for some reason have never tried this... btw I completely respect those that do eat Paleo clean.... if anything I'm envious that its simple for you to be satisfied eating that way!!! I'm glad to see that there are people out there who still lose weight eating the not so healthy food choices though :D

    In my less than humble opinion, you're right on. It's gotta' be doable. Life just sucks if you don't enjoy the ride.
  • KilaMarie88
    KilaMarie88 Posts: 28 Member
    . I eat occasional treats and I'm not a grumpy SOB from hunger.

    That is totally me on a restricted diet hahaha....
  • PapaChanoli
    PapaChanoli Posts: 178 Member
    . I eat occasional treats and I'm not a grumpy SOB from hunger.

    That is totally me on a restricted diet hahaha....

    I don't know, but it might be true for everyone.

    Especially the ones who don't want to admit it.
  • Mykaelous
    Mykaelous Posts: 231 Member
    I eat pretty unhealthy foods most of the time and I've lost 40 lbs so far in 14 weeks. I wasn't "technically" overweight, but I was a pound from it bmi-wise. I hardly exercised at all, so it has all been diet based.
    So, it is definitely possible to lose while eating junk. That being said, and being a total hypocrite, that's really not a goal to strive for. Adding a few things now and then to your meal plans so you don't feel deprived, while keeping your macros in mind is a much better and healthier idea :)

    My problem with most prepared food(restaurants more so than fast food) is that your calorie mileage may vary. Some things like a McDouble are down to a science and are pretty consistent calorie wise(managers at these places are hawks, because 1 extra pickle is going to f up their inventory ;)). Other places however like Subway and sit down restaurants can vary highly. For example a subway sandwich with mayo is supposed to have a single serving of mayo over the entire sandwich 80 calories, 2 tbs. But their gestimation in my experience is between 6-10 tbs worth of mayo. That's up to a 360 calorie difference for only one component of that sandwich. If you are aiming for 1500 calories like myself a 300 calorie mistake is huge accounting for 1/5th of my total calorie goal. Don't even get me started with sit down restaurants either.

    Now I measure everything, and if I am out and about I make sure to have a meal that is pre-processed by a machine and not a person. Call me anal, but it works. Since I became anal about my calorie intake I've seen a doubling in my weight loss and it has become very consistent week to week.
  • justcat206
    justcat206 Posts: 716 Member
    I don't know what kind of "evidence" it is, but in college I had an eating disorder. I weighed 95 lbs, but I ate a kitkat bar every single day. Most of my meals were made up of mac'n'cheese or a slice of pizza or a frozen dinner. I just limited my daily food intake to ONE kitkat bar and ONE piece of pizza. So yeah, I guess you can eat anything and still lose weight if you lower your calories enough. (these days I typically eat really healthily with one treat a day and a restaurant meal once a week and have been maintaining fine).
  • LaurenBrooke1843
    LaurenBrooke1843 Posts: 73 Member
    I actually haven't eaten unhealthy outside of the house yet only because I'm anal and have to have everything measured and weighed out too lol I eat crap food at home, but if I do happen to go out it's always a grilled chicken salad with no marinade or dressing and I bought a food scale I can keep in my purse so I can weigh the chicken lol :)
  • Ilikelamps
    Ilikelamps Posts: 482 Member
    just go to mcdonalds, get a 6 piece nugget, milkshake, 2 double cheeseburgers and then run 6 miles..youll feel better, trust me
  • Mitsuo8
    Mitsuo8 Posts: 27 Member
    I have been counting calories for 25 days now (according to MFP). Before this I ate out almost everyday. Now I eat out like 3-4 times a week. The thing is instead of getting the Large fry, Large coke, and 1-2 Mcdoubles at Mcdonalds....I am eating 1 mchicken (no mayo) and a medium coke zero. Yesterday I had a taco supreme from taco bell, and today I had a slice of little caesar pizza....and I am still losing weight by staying in my calorie range for the day. So yes you can still eat the bad stuff, just not as much of it.
  • Shaystays
    Shaystays Posts: 34
    Here is what I do and it works good for me, since I was a fast food addict I couldn't just drop it all like nothing. I was completely addicted to sweat tea, I actually got the shakes when I went without drinking a 26 ounce of sweat tea for mcdonalds or pals for 1 week. I used to drink one or two of those every single day. And now, 5 weeks later, I haven't had a tea in 3 weeks.

    Granted, I do still eat fast food. For instance, this morning I had a butter biscuit with some jelly (380 calories, good breakfast.) and for lunch I had some loaded fries form Charlie's, which is my absolute favorite place to eat, (almost 500 calories, not very good but oh well) and in between that I had a starbucks coffee (bout 200 calories)

    That is all I had today other than a powerade or two and I wasn't hungry today. My biggest problem was snacking, I don't get out a lot so I'm usually at home with nothing to do, which means boredom, which means eating two big bags of chips without realizing it. I cut my snacking down a LOT, and I do still have cravings and get bored and want to eat, but you have to be strong and not give in. I would eat 3 meals that were about 300 calories so I could have room for some snacks and my drinks, since I don't really like water I drink mostly powerade and apple juice. And I try to keep myself busy, because I am usually not very hungry if I am out doing something, and it is a good way to burn calories. Even if I just walk around the mall for 3 hours not buying anything, I'm doing something.

    I cried about every day for the first 2 weeks of my diet. I was so hungry, all I wanted to do was eat. So, I had an indulgence day once a week for the first 3 weeks I would eat whatever I wanted, and that's what kept me going. 5 weeks in and it is still hard, but I'm too devoted to give up now. I hope this was helpful to you, and I wish you the best of luck! :)
  • mjtackett2006
    mjtackett2006 Posts: 6 Member
    I am a snacker. The most helpful change for me, besides ditching sweet tea, was switching my unhealthy snacks for healthy ones. I put a bowl of plain air popped popcorn or fresh veggies from our garden on the table. I snack on that all day. I keep my meals moderate and drink as much water as I can stand.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Yes and no....I very much believe in all things in moderations, but I also believe that it is pretty much impossible to maintain a healthy weight eating the SAD without meticulously tracking every little calorie and to me, that's no life.

    I've maintained easily for about 13 - 14 months now primarily cooking for myself using whole foods as ingredients and eating plenty of lean proteins, vegetables, fruits, and healthy fats with a smattering of whole grains thrown into the mix....I don't log calories or anything like that.

    I don't find it boring given that I know how to actually cook and I can prepare these things in numerous ways and while I was losing I learned a great deal about PORTION control, which can be difficult on the SAD. That said, I do enjoy a good pizza...just went out tonight....but stuff like that is a once every couple of weeks type of occasion for me and I will now only have a slice or two from a small that I share with my wife rather than ordering the large and eating half the pie and then ordering another one to take home because the remaining 1/2 would only be viable for my lunch....ridiculous I was in the old days!
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    I'm about 80/20. 80% whole, fresh food and 20% treat/processed/junk/whatever you want to call it.

    My meals are made from scratch and have heaps of veg, lean meats and grains but I have take out at least once a week, have the occasional candy bar, steal some of my husband's chips of a night etc. It's working really well for me and I've been on the weight loss merry go round for a long time! This feels like I could do it forever.

    This sounds about like me! Eat good most of the time and enjoy a few treats to keep yourself sane and satiated. Keeps me focused and on track. I agree that I can sustain this :drinker:
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    I eat in a healthy manner most of the time. BUT I also drink beer & wine, eat pizza, have sweet treats, etc that fit within my goals. I've lost 18 lbs so far. What I'm trying to do is find a way of eating for LIFE rather than be on a diet. So, it's been slow (at or less than .5 lb a week) but along with weight lifting, my body is changing and I never feel like binging or feel unsatisfied.