I am not convinced...

So.... before everyone starts caps locking their opinions of what healthy food is and why a Paleo/clean eating diet is so much better....I want to say up front that I totally get that and understand that....I am a nurse....I know what fruits and veggies and whole grains are :D I have tried it before... did it work? Yup... but I must say, that it is not nearly as satisfying or filling to me to eat this way...I get bored... stop eating this way... fall off the wagon... and guess what.... BINGE BINGE BINGE.... so I am trying something new.... eating whatever I want (granted I am cutting sweets...I have to say I have figured out that I waste a TON of calories on that crap) but I am going to stay at my calories... give or take a few... So for example I just had taco bell....I am not convinced I am going to lose weight eating this stuff... I know that it's all about caloric deficit in the end right? But why do I have such a hard time believing this?? Has anyone had the luck with eating the unhealthy American food way? In moderation of course...I am not saying I eat fast food at every meal...I love my chicken/salmon/veggie nights... but something's gotta give... Do I have to do the boring clean eating/Binge eating? That clearly has not in the end helped me on the scale :(


  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    I eat fast food occasionally. I like Whataburger and Popeye's. Ice cream almost every night. I am losing weight because I am eating at a caloric deficit.
  • LovelyIvy466
    LovelyIvy466 Posts: 387 Member
    Nope. I tried that when I was younger by focusing on calories, but the food wasn't filling enough. Half a Taco Bell burrito (for example) would be ok calorie wise, but first it's not filling and second only eating half was sooooo hard. I inevitably ate the whole damn thing.

    That said, a lot of restaurants make it easier to make good choices and still be lazy. My first choice is always panera and their salads and flatbreads. But even Wendy's and Mickey d's have decent salads.

    When I actually cook at home I focus on healthy things that are filling: eggs, lower sodium turkey and ham, whole grain bread, skinless chicken thighs, brown rice, even pasta with strict attention paid to serving sizes.

    But yeah, a lot of panera. A LOT.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    You lose weight at a calorie deficit regardless, but you would probably feel better eating a well balanced diet that includes treats/fast food. For example I would eat the burrito but have a small side salad of broccoli with cottage cheese (I have a garbage gut though so I don't mind that combo but you get the point.)
  • WhyLime113
    WhyLime113 Posts: 104 Member
    If you're concerned with the scale, calories are the most important thing
    If you're concerned with your health, a balanced diet is the most important thing.
    Personally, I've never been big on the 'clean eating' thing because it's boring, and rather restrictive. I like treating myself with "unclean" foods like donair and pie and cotton candy. It's just about striking a balance between eating less of those and more of the veggies.
  • mom2_4gr8kids
    The way I look at it, if it fits in my daily calories and doesn't put me way over on my macros, then I can eat it. I have had many things that don't fit under clean eating, for sure, but I have to do what works for me. The thing that keeps me under control is trying to stay under the sodium and fat limits I have.

    I also try to limit eating out, because I can't control portions like I can at home ( and a lot of it is packed with sodium). An example from today was McDonald's with the kids - I got a salad with grilled chicken, used my own dressing (never thought I would be one of those people that carry dressing around in their purse), then allowed myself an ice cream cone. The lady made the cone bigger than usual, so I counted it as 1.5 servings, trying to be as accurate as possible.

    I have only been doing this for 19 days, but I am down 13 pounds and losing pretty steadily. Something is going right!
  • wannakimmy
    wannakimmy Posts: 488 Member
    If it is just about losing the weight for you, then yes, as long as you are at a deficit, you will lose, regardless of what you eat. Everything in moderation. I had a hard time cutting out the sweets too, but once I started logging everything, and realized how many calories are int he things I loved, I chose to stay away from them the best I could. Good or bad, I see food now as calories. When I look at a donut and say a chicken breast, I see 300 calories vs. 120 calories.... hmmm, which do I want? Granted, some days I still choose the donut, or even half a donut, but as time has passed, more often than not, I choose the chicken breast... It does get easier with time. Stick to it, you can do this!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I'm about 80/20. 80% whole, fresh food and 20% treat/processed/junk/whatever you want to call it.

    My meals are made from scratch and have heaps of veg, lean meats and grains but I have take out at least once a week, have the occasional candy bar, steal some of my husband's chips of a night etc. It's working really well for me and I've been on the weight loss merry go round for a long time! This feels like I could do it forever.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    I eat taco bell, pizza, ice cream, burgers, regularly but stay in a calorie deficit and lose weight. It's fine if you're not convinced, you can also be not convinced that gravity exists, but gravity doesn't care what you think, it's gonna go ahead and keep holding you down to the earth...
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    Have you tried eating what you want in moderation, but eating fruits and vegetables to bulk up so you will feel fuller? Cucumbers, celery, and roasted veggies work well. If you can eat at a deficit eating fast food, or potato chips, or whatever, you will lose weight. I have trouble with processed carbs making me more hungry, but I know everyone is different.
  • Paultb
    Paultb Posts: 6 Member
    Cant speak for anyone else but for me- proteins are more filling and most of the bad stuff causes me to want more food later. I find that if I eat boring stuff that is nutritious BEFORE I get hungry then I never desire to binge.

    Boring stuff can be good stuff. Watermelon, blueberries, mixed nuts, eggs...I like them all and they fill me up. In my case I hope to make eating just another habit-like brushing my teeth or mowing the lawn. When was the last time you were tempted to binge brush your teeth?
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    I'm about 80/20. 80% whole, fresh food and 20% treat/processed/junk/whatever you want to call it.

    My meals are made from scratch and have heaps of veg, lean meats and grains but I have take out at least once a week, have the occasional candy bar, steal some of my husband's chips of a night etc. It's working really well for me and I've been on the weight loss merry go round for a long time! This feels like I could do it forever.

    This sounds like a great, healthy, sustainable plan to me.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    If you only want to lose weight, you can eat whatever you want as long as you are meeting your caloric goal… McDonald's, Taco Bell, cupcakes, etc. Calories in < calories out = weight loss.

    If you are worried about your health, don't eat junk.
  • mladuke2
    mladuke2 Posts: 2 Member
    For me, my secret was portion control and getting rid of regular soda, and switching to diet. Pizza, burgers, and tacos is still part of my regular diet. But so is chicken, granola, and yogurt. I will love to have a honey bun, but I know that is not possible right now. A 100 calorie snack satisfies my sweet craving and is much better for my waist.
  • mom2_4gr8kids
    When was the last time you were tempted to binge brush your teeth?

    ^^^Love this! :laugh:
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Has anyone had the luck with eating the unhealthy American food way?

    Yes. See my ticker.

    What and how I eat works for me. Yeah, I get p!ssy not being able to eat as much as I want (or at least enough to satisfy my hunger). Some days, I will just have it and deal with the weight gain for 2 weeks. Mostly, I keep in check.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I eat whatever I want including junk food. I think it is a math thing. I went from 208 lbs to 158 and yes, ate junk food. I am sure it is more healthy to eat clean but I have to have some junk food. The weight comes off if you don't go over your calorie limit.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    If you only want to lose weight, you can eat whatever you want as long as you are meeting your caloric goal… McDonald's, Taco Bell, cupcakes, etc. Calories in < calories out = weight loss.

    If you are worried about your health, don't eat junk.

    You can absolutely be healthy eating "junk food"
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I do not believe that you have to stop eating foods you love to lose weight. I still eat delicious things, that I enjoy and I'm 28 pounds down. This includes fast food sometimes, eating out and even dessert on occasion. My diary is open.

    So yes, if you have good self control, I think you can eat what you want (within your goals, of course).
  • jordanify
    jordanify Posts: 81 Member
    When I started on my journey I had sunday as a cheat day, that way I could be disciplined the entire week and have something to look forward to. I still lost steadily, if taking my kids out for fast food or pizza, I'd eat a cup of fresh veggies first (mainly to avoid feeling guilty) Good luck!
  • ccthiel89
    ccthiel89 Posts: 4
    I'm in the same boat as you. I was craving little ceasars tonight so I ate a generous plate of steamed broccoli carrots cauliflower and one slice of pizza. I'm in the early stages getting my feet wet but I'm not hungry and ate a decent meal