Good for you! Great people/support here. Holler if you need support!!! My hubby is retired Army also.
Feel free to friend me!! 56 last week!!!
OK... How in the HELL did you loose 37 lbs in a month!!??? I WANT YOUR SECRET!!!
Yep. CALL YOUR DOC. Good luck Hun. We're here for you.
Uhhhh... I know what you mean! Still trying to lose mine too!! He's 35.......... Welcome aboard!!
Absolutely awesome. Proud of you! Keep on keepin' on!!
Congrats for getting back on track!. I've met the most awesome, supportive people here. Friend me if you'd like. Good luck!!
Just getting started here, so, no. But EXTREMELY proud of YOU!!!!
Ooooh... yeah. Will your parents be offended if you eat, maybe, their salad/veggies, and prepare your own meat/pasta/entree?? If they are, I would feel they ARE trying to derail your success and you may have to look elsewhere (HERE) for support. Sorry to say, and it may be totally unintentional, but this happens more that…
ummmm....yes, I think there's an error somewhere. A very ACTIVE woman isn't going to require more than about 2200. Maybe re-enter all your stats. Good luck!
Welcome! I've ben here almost 4 weeks. Love this place!! And the friends I've made! Nebraska gal here. Gonna be 56 on the 22nd. TOtally relate to yo-yo weight and beat-up metabolism. GOod luck!!!!
I know several people that have tried this . None kept the weight off, started gaining back as soon as stopped the gtts. 500 cal is starvation mode. Your body can't be healthy doing that. ooops sorry. I'll shut up so someone else can answer too. :)
They're not bad for you. (other than the taste), but you should be able to eat what you're cooking for your family, but maybe portion control. I know it's difficult. My husband can and WILL eat everything, and never gains a pound. I had to learn my portion control, and he's learned to eat more veggies and salad. Win/Win.
Good luck! It's working for ME!
This isn't unusual. You're probably building muscle! Clothes feel any different?
This site helps you identify portions and portion control and see what foods are good/healthy choices thru the nutritional information. That, and the AMAZING support from friends you'll make. I found a food scale at a thrift store for $2 and is great to identify appropriate amounts, versus 'oh, there was only a few…
You are on FIRE!!! GO girl!
Wow! I thought there were some great suggestion! I know I learned a few things. You CAN eat reasonably priced without breakung the bank. And coolers are dirt cheap at any Thrift store. Can also wrap your foor in news paper and carry in a paper bag. Will still keep things hot/cold for quite a while. I think the biggest…
AMAZING!!! Rock on!!
Hi Patty. I feel your pain!! And the older we get, the harder it is to get it off. Glad you're ready to try again. Friend me if you need support!!
Welcome!! I'm new too. Been here 10 days. I was the WORST at understanding nutrition, but this site is incredible!! Would love a new friend!!
Just found this site 2 days ago. Just got into COMMUNITY 20 minutes ago. JUST found your recipe. SCORE!!!!! Thank you!!