

  • You could try healthy popsicles and healthy smoothies instead of "masses of ice cream". Congrats on quitting drinking. Too much of anything is a bad thing. How did you stop drinking? Maybe that approach could be applied to your ice cream addiction.
  • Tabata is great. Good job on all the walking you do. This is my advice- consider changing your cardio routine. It isn't working, right? Which is why you posted, "confused cause you're not losing". Try 2 x 30 mins of cardio a day. Keep in mind to keep your heart rate up to burn fat. Try power walking. Build up to a HIIT…
  • Okay, thank you for sharing that. I was curious because some folks think they need to lose when they don't. Question: How much cardio do you do a week?
  • There is a lot of info out there about this rule. It isn't bad. Burning 500 cals a day is really good actually. I'm with bakerblonde about the food. Your calories have to be wholesome. Really try to eat clean. Burn those 500 cals a day and you should be set. Do you mind if I ask how tall you are and how much you weigh?…
  • Hi there. You can tell you've lost a lot of weight all over. Congrats! your latest pics I notice it in your face. Keep doing what you're doing cause it's working for you. Stay positive!
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