Help! Addicted to ice cream.



  • spisea
    spisea Posts: 41 Member
    You totally need a YONANAS! You can check all kinds of websites for great flavour ideas......because fruit is nature's candy :P
    I just looked this up. That is so cool, and I saw one for $49.99.

    Put fruit in freezer.
    Take out after frozen.
    Mash with fork

    Save $50.

    You're welcome.

    I'm curious. Does running around this board posting sarcastic and condescending stuff make the rest of your life bearable? You seem to be putting so much time and energy into belittling other people. I can't imagine how terrible I would have to feel about myself in order to put that much energy into making other people feel bad.
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    Arctic Zero. Fat free, 37 cals per 1/2 cup. The entire pint is < 150 calories.

  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Arctic Zero. Fat free, 37 cals per 1/2 cup. The entire pint is < 150 calories.


    Tastes like freezer burnt cardboard...or water if you get a good one.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Icecream is the narcotic. It acts on your brain just like a drug. They have science and stuff that has show this fairly conclusively.

    Joking, right? I hope so.
    If you aren't able to stop, its time for some more help - more help than a yonanas machine can provide.

    Sadly, no. I wasn't kidding:
    Uh huh. Did you by any chance, read the study? And also, do you by any chance, know how human biology works? That study basically boils down to "food releases dopamine." Well no *kitten*, that's actually very basic human biology. If you'd actually read the study, and not the blog post written about the study, you'd know that the study doesn't say anything about sugar acting like a drug in your brain. What it DOES say, is that dopamine is released when you eat, which is true, and is NORMAL. It happens with all foods, not just sugar. It also mentions how illegal drugs co-opt the dopamine system and cause dopamine releases.

    In other words, food (in this case sugar) is not "as addictive as drugs." Drugs mimic food in order to become addictive.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    You totally need a YONANAS! You can check all kinds of websites for great flavour ideas......because fruit is nature's candy :P
    I just looked this up. That is so cool, and I saw one for $49.99.

    Put fruit in freezer.
    Take out after frozen.
    Mash with fork

    Save $50.

    You're welcome.

    I'm curious. Does running around this board posting sarcastic and condescending stuff make the rest of your life bearable? You seem to be putting so much time and energy into belittling other people. I can't imagine how terrible I would have to feel about myself in order to put that much energy into making other people feel bad.

    If that made you feel bad I don't expect you get out much. Good luck with hyper-sensitivity.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I don't keep ice cream at home, but I buy a cone as a a reward for exercising once in a while. If I keep it at home, I eat it until it is gone. Good luck finding what works for you.
  • bonjalandoni
    bonjalandoni Posts: 136 Member
    I feel your pain... I am an ice cream addict too! Look at dreyers slow churned ice cream with 1/2 fat or the caramel praline frozen yogurt tastes good with better macros. Also substitute some ice cream with fruit like grapes, bananas, and apples. I never intend to quit eating ice cream, i just make room for it in my macros. Good luck!
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    I definitely have this issue! Here are a few tips I've slowly worked through:
    - buy proportioned things. Like the fudgsicles, Popsicles, etc. My preferences are the skinny cow ice cream sandwiches, and right now my major addiction is dole dippers. It's banana slices covered in dark chocolate and frozen. super tasty, actually somewhat filling, and psychologically they seem just like ice cream treats.
    - Don't eat for the two hours before bed. I told myself I could have a treat but not right before I go to sleep. Just changing that caused a lot of my snacking issues to go away.
    - to avoid snacking before bed I would either: chew a piece of gum, drink a tall glass of water, brush my teeth. By the time I did these three things I usually kicked the urge. If not, I would do something highly involved to distract myself or just go to bed early.
    - don't keep a lot of it in the house. I have only one box of my dole dippers, and I only buy them once a week. That helps reinforce my will power.
    - take every moment you prevail over your urge to snack as a victory. I actually kept a tally for a few weeks so I could see all the moments each day I would triumph over that urge. It was encouraging to see all my many times I turned down a snack in my mind. Even if I caved once, if I resisted a hundred times...that's pretty darn good!

    Best of luck!
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    You totally need a YONANAS! You can check all kinds of websites for great flavour ideas......because fruit is nature's candy :P
    I just looked this up. That is so cool, and I saw one for $49.99.

    Put fruit in freezer.
    Take out after frozen.
    Mash with fork

    Save $50.

    You're welcome.

    I'm curious. Does running around this board posting sarcastic and condescending stuff make the rest of your life bearable? You seem to be putting so much time and energy into belittling other people. I can't imagine how terrible I would have to feel about myself in order to put that much energy into making other people feel bad.

    Makes totally reasonable suggestion so a person doesn't spend 50 bucks on what can be done at home with a fork (or a 20$ blender...).

    Must feel terrible about himself.

    Seems legit?

    Nah, I can't even get all smarmy and 'seems legit' with this one. This is literally the hugest leap in logic I've seen in a while, which is saying something around these parts. Literally. No exaggeration.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    I have been eating Blue Bell ice cream (I'm in Houston) in excess. I'm convinced they add an addictive narcotic into each and every half gallon ;-)
    It's naturally occurring in dairy. Dairy most definitely has an addictive effect, and the food companies know it. It's not an accident that dairy products are stuffed into most processed foods, they want you coming back.

    I had a major ice cream problem a few years back. I think the best way to remove something that has an addictive effect on you is to remove it suddenly and completely from your life. I had to do this with ice cream.

    I have not had ice cream in over a year and i don't miss it.

    When i want a creamy cold concoction in a bowl, i peel ripe bananas, freeze them, and use them with some vanilla almond milk, walnuts and a little vanilla extract. It really tastes fantastic and helps fill your ice cream craving.
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    You totally need a YONANAS! You can check all kinds of websites for great flavour ideas......because fruit is nature's candy :P
    I just looked this up. That is so cool, and I saw one for $49.99.

    Put fruit in freezer.
    Take out after frozen.
    Mash with fork

    Save $50.

    You're welcome.

    Yep, or use a blender. I have a Ninja Master Prep and by using overripe peeled bananas frozen ahead of time, I can turn my protein shake into a Wendy's Frosty-like consistency in minutes without freezing. I've tried other fruits recently; clementines and pineapple are definite winners.
  • olivetree_
    olivetree_ Posts: 75 Member
    Freeze a tub of Cool Whip. Other than melting faster than the real thing, it tastes pretty similar to vanilla ice cream.
  • adorable_aly
    adorable_aly Posts: 398 Member
    Honestly I think you need to deal with your addictive behaviour before anything else, sure you might get the icecream under control, but you'll just transfer your addiction to something else.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I have been eating Blue Bell ice cream (I'm in Houston) in excess. I'm convinced they add an addictive narcotic into each and every half gallon ;-)
    It's naturally occurring in dairy. Dairy most definitely has an addictive effect, and the food companies know it. It's not an accident that dairy products are stuffed into most processed foods, they want you coming back.

    I had a major ice cream problem a few years back. I think the best way to remove something that has an addictive effect on you is to remove it suddenly and completely from your life. I had to do this with ice cream.

    I have not had ice cream in over a year and i don't miss it.

    When i want a creamy cold concoction in a bowl, i peel ripe bananas, freeze them, and use them with some vanilla almond milk, walnuts and a little vanilla extract. It really tastes fantastic and helps fill your ice cream craving.
    So what is this mysterious addictive substance in dairy? I know you aren't going to tell me, but I'm going to ask anyway.

    So please, name this mysterious addictive substance In dairy that apparently only you know about.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Like other (successful) people on here have said - learn to eat the ice cream in moderation. It's the only way this will work in the long term.
  • Motivated1234789
    You could try healthy popsicles and healthy smoothies instead of "masses of ice cream". Congrats on quitting drinking. Too much of anything is a bad thing. How did you stop drinking? Maybe that approach could be applied to your ice cream addiction.
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm new to this site, It looks great and my girlfriend loves it!

    I am in my mid 40's am in need of some real assistance. I completely gave up drinking early last fall and am feeling the benefits. I was consuming some serious booze on a daily basis, and the positive benefits of not pouring that garbage into my body anymore is wonderful. I'm very proud of myself, but since then I have been eating Blue Bell ice cream (I'm in Houston) in excess. I'm convinced they add an addictive narcotic into each and every half gallon ;-)

    I am aware that our bodies transform alcohol into sugar, so I know why I am eating ice cream each day like it's going out of style. It's a replacement. I look forward to my lunchtime and nightly mass of it and save it for my favorite DVR'd shows I watch. It's similar to drinking, as I drank alone and when I was gearing up my mind for quitting, I would feel bummed and wonder how I would possibly be able to enjoy these daily rituals without it. Well, I switched to another poison ;-)

    Given the two, I'd pick ice cream over booze any day, but it's not healthy to eat it like I do and it's taking its toll on my gut.

    I really want to lose weight, but I don't know how to do it without going around all day with strong cravings, etc.

    If anyone can offer some real, no BS advice on this, I'd be ever so grateful!



    Walk away from the ice cream, if it's that bad and you're "hooked" it's the only way. Substitute something you like that's healthy to try to fill the gap.
  • RissyChris
    Hey there...

    I can relate. I just made a post about how I've consumed an entire 12-serving tub of Edy's Ice Cream in the past 12 hours *true story* and now I'm feeling the pains of such a mistake.

    One thing that stood out to me in your post was the fact that you said you watch your favorite DVR's when eating or drinking. That's where the problem is for me, too. Last night when I ate my tub of ice cream I was watching the new Hunger Games DVD and thought having a treat while watching TV would maximize the enjoyment of entertainment.

    It didn't.
    Not at all.
    And it didn't drastically change my life or make my mood better because now I've eaten so much ice cream I'm sick.

    Our brains are wired to think that when a certain stimuli makes us happy and is linked to something else (i.e., ice cream and TV) we can't be happy without that stimuli.

    In other words, you linked drinking to TV and thought that TV wouldn't be enjoyed without the booze. Now you're doing that with the ice cream. We're all guilty of it. It's really a terrible American habit that undoubtedly contributes to the obesity epidemic.

    My advice? Try watching your shows on the DVR without ANY FOOD. No booze, no ice cream, ya feel me?

    I bet the TV will still be as enjoyable and then you can have your food later. Food is a method by which we LIVE. We eat to live, not live to eat. My little thing i tell myself is 'eat and move on, eat and move on'. You will eventually just eat to stop the hunger, and then rush to the living room to enjoy your FREE.

    I know the first few times might be hard, but muddle through and be tough. Don't slip up just cause I've said the first few times will be hard. This is one of those instances in life where you shouldn't cut yourself any slack and just push through, be strong.
  • SpencersHeart
    SpencersHeart Posts: 170 Member
    You totally need a YONANAS! You can check all kinds of websites for great flavour ideas......because fruit is nature's candy :P
    I just looked this up. That is so cool, and I saw one for $49.99.

    Put fruit in freezer.
    Take out after frozen.
    Mash with fork

    Save $50.

    You're welcome.
    A thrifty person! :bigsmile:

    When I was a kid my mother used to pour juice into the popsicle tray, and they were better than the store ones.

    She used to make snow ice cream by putting a bowl on outside on the rare occasions when it snowed--add vanilla, sugar, flavoring, and that was better than any brand of ice cream.

    I'm now nostalgic. Thanks for the frozen fruit suggestion. :smile:

    My Mom did the same thing with fruit juice. I grew up in New England and snow ice cream was the best! Thanks for bringing me that memory. :)
  • janeytom
    janeytom Posts: 72 Member
    Things are fine in moderation and as long as you aren't eating large amounts daily you should be fine. If you need help with portion control I suggest Smart Ones desserts. They have a delicious cookie dough sundae that is 140 calories and it helps because you can just grab it, eat it, and get on with your day, no measuring or anything. (I eat one almost everyday!) I hope this helps!

    ^^^^ I was going to suggest these! (Anything pre-portioned/single serve is a good thing). And these really are yummy!