DMEckert50 Member


  • I'm 5'6" and have reached my goal weight of 140 - and am always sick now. It seems my body doesn't like to be that weight, and I'd probably be healthier if I gained a few of that back. Go for healthy!
  • If you're going to introduce fiber, do it slowly and a little at a time. If you're increasing your veggies and fruits, this is also fibre and may cause a problem as well. Too much all at once will have just the opposite effect and then you're in big trouble. I'd suggest increasing your water. I know myself, I get really…
  • Hello. My name is Donna - I will be 50 in April. I started this program about 2 weeks ago. The first week I ate normally even though I knew I'd be over my calories, but I wanted to see what I was eating and how it was impacting me. The next week I modified my meals, making substitutions of "good" foods vs. not so good…