

  • I am the same as you. I had getting married as my goal and now that i have got married i have lost all focus and motivation even though i still have a ton of weight to lose! I am slowly building it back by setting small goals with rewards (such as a manicure for 7lbs lost etc) also fitness goals like training for a…
  • Thanks for all your help guys!! I think i will be adding some other exercise to it then :)
  • A-MAZ-ING! You look fantastic!
  • I started it today! I have just taken my before pictures and i need to take some measurements. Augusts is going to be 30DS month. Add me as a friend :)
  • I have just started this today. I am planning on bloging about it. I am going to do it every morning before work and then go to the gym in the evenings. Hopefully i won't be to knacked! I am getting married on June 18th so really want to see some results by my next dress fitting on 28th May!!!