ecoshopaholic Member


  • I am relieved to read that many are able to lose weight with no thyroid/on hormones just as they would if they had regular thyroid function. I have read all sorts of horror stories online about people supposedly doing all the right things and still having problems. Eek! I don't have a lot of weight to lose (about 10-15 lbs…
  • I've been on Synthroid for the last five or six years. In the past, I've been bad about taking my medication. Not a good idea. I ended up tired, depressed, losing hair, and gaining weight. It's really important to take the meds properly and not let your hormones get too far out of whack. My thyroid was damaged from…
  • I love this recipe and have made it many times. That being said, I feel that with the cheese in the crust and the cheese that you would normally top the pizza with, the calories are a bit high. The cheese really holds it together, so I'm not sure if there is a work around. I'm wondering about adding whole wheat flour and…
  • I just finished my first week of Insanity! I've been drinking 12 oz. chocolate milk about 15 minutes after each workout, and it seems to work well for me. There are a few studies supporting it as a good recovery option. However, I have to wait a few minutes after cooling down before the idea of it becomes palatable. To…