Monome13 Member


  • I didn't stay around much to see much of the users And my name was Tabarak alshammerti which was too long and i didnt like it , so I just changed it to monome now that I am back .
  • Hi Scott I'm tabarak I'm 19 I too have problem with my weight , wow you lost a lot good for you and keep it up . at my highest I weighed 227 ,now I'm 180 , I lost 40 pound then it went up and down for a while but now I'm back I want to lose 50 pounds in 7 months , I know what to eat but the exercise is the hardest part I…
  • Hi there Tamara I'm tabarak I'm a sophomore college student I lost about 60 Ib in total right now I'm 181 , I'm a Muslim and I joined your group and this site looking for help to stay motivated , my goal Is to loss 50 Ib in 7 months , is that realistic , knowing I f I put my mind to something I can do it .:smile: :smile:…