Hello Everyone!

Hi all,

I'm a 26 year old male from the UK.

I've had problems with my weight in the past, and while now i'm not extremely overweight, i'd like to make changes that will allow me to reach a healthier state and stay there.. so here I am!

At my heaviest I was 20st (280lb), and for the past few years i've been going back and forth, and now sit at 16st 12lb (236lb). When BMI charts put me in the 'obese' area, I was spurred to take action. The problem is.. I can cut down on stuff no problem, but have no idea what kind of things to eat or what to do fitness-wise to continue! The end goal is 13st 5lb (187lb) or as near as I can get!

I dropped a stone in the past few weeks by eating less of the things I like and changing them around (low fat chips, for example), and swapping cranberry juice for water (but I have a glass of low calorie cranberry juice on cheat day). I've been following MFP and it's been telling me to stick to a 1600 calorie-a-day diet, which I have been, but i've stalled now and i'm looking for new foods to try that don't break the bank and will help me get through this first barrier.

I lead a sedentary lifestyle but we have an old treadmill that i'm going to try and ease myself into. Every little helps, right?

I've moved back in at home and this has been a real chore to do on my own.. and it's getting harder to resist the temptations of the other things in the house that my parents stock up on! So would love to meet and talk to some like-minded individuals on the same path, and maybe make some friends and get some mutual support going.

Thanks for having me, and talk soon :)


  • Monome13
    Monome13 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Scott I'm tabarak I'm 19 I too have problem with my weight , wow you lost a lot good for you and keep it up .
    at my highest I weighed 227 ,now I'm 180 , I lost 40 pound then it went up and down for a while but now I'm back I want to lose 50 pounds in 7 months , I know what to eat but the exercise is the hardest part I go to the gym but its very unequipped I try to run up and down the stairs at home and walk as much as I can at school .im looking for motivation