Jen0489 Member


  • Hey there, I have a lot more than 15/20 lbs to lose,however I have also just signed up for my 1st marathon next year. Always here for support and advice ????
  • Just started on this app 3 days ago! it definitely opens your eyes to what you are eating! I've put on 25kg in 18 months & something has just clicked in my head that it needs to change!! Overall weight loss goal would be 35kg :) Fingers crossed with hard work, determination & support of you guys I can do it! Please feel…
  • Hi There, I'm 25 and have just started using the MFP app 3 days ago. Something in my head has switched & I'm so determined this time. I have around 35kg to get me to my ideal weight. I am going back to the UK in August (14 weeks) to see my family I haven't seen in nearly 2 years. I don't want them to get a shock as I've…