kaylagaston1390 Member


  • I realize this is an old post, but it still comes up on search so I will still add my experience for any others looking for more answers. I have been a new vegetarian now for about a month. I did NOT do it to lose weight, I did it for the sake of not supporting the way animals are treated in the horrific way they are in…
  • I believe that the human race has developed a form of collective schizophrenia in which we are not only the slaves to this imposed thought behavior, but we are also the police force of it. David Icke Goodbye. Yes, go ahead and cheer. I win in the end.
  • That's an entirely higher level of information I don't think you're ready to handle, if you don't believe me and the sources about a chemically engineered artificial sweetener, you won't believe me when I say things like population control and power over the people.
  • So forget what all that said, and let's focus on the fact I didn't source it. Nice distraction there, I got it from Dr.Oz's site. I finally gave you your TEXT evidence that you needed something to put me down on, well there you go.
  • http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/artificial-sweeteners-tied-to-obesity-type-2-diabetes-1.1352987 But, I'm going to guess that isn't good enough either. So, here's some Dr.Oz. I actually took that first bit about diabetes from his site. Yes, it's from youtube, shoot me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrREVfx7W8g
  • There are also many subtle changes in your body you wouldn't immediately think to relate to your soda or what have you. Just like smoking, NOT EVERYONE gets the big cancer. But, there are other negative symptoms.
  • Watch the video before you judge that, goodness me. There are doctors speaking of it in them. Not everything you read is true either, I can trust a video of a doctor more than a random article.
  • Are They Linked to Diabetes? As the sweet receptors in your esophagus and stomach are “tricked” by the zero-calorie substitutes, your pancreas is tricked into sending a false spike of insulin that can lead to insulin resistance. This can lead to diabetes. Also, since artificial sweeteners cause your body to crave more…
  • I have a lot of sources, but I find it important for people to do their own research. It's simple. I just replied to this thread trying to help and I get attacked, asked to prove my point and then get criticized for that. No one is watching these videos obviously, everything said can be found in documents as well, but it's…
  • I'm actually laughing at you, ignorance isn't always bliss.
  • If you'd actually watched the videos, you'd see the proof. Explanation of what aspartame is, where it came from, tests done on animals to reveal adverse effects, doctor testimonials and most importantly the people who have become ill. These are professionals in these videos to raise awareness. So, how about this. For some…
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSnbMue3Da0
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvFRLIjOLOU
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZYJ5sDVf9Q
  • If you had critical thinking skills then you'd be capable of doing your own research, as I had stated. It's accessible information so there is no reason you can't. But sure, I'll flatter you. But don't turn around and tell me it's all wrong. I actually wouldn't care if you didn't believe me as I'm just trying to help. If…
  • My goodness people, stop being ignorant and do your own research. It is all true, not trying to scare you but enlighten you. There are many other toxins added to processed foods and beverages that make us ill throughout time. This world is not what you think it is. You don't believe me because you don't want to. I don't…
  • Yes, diet pepsi contains aspartame, something used to sweeten your drink instead of high calorie sugar. But aspartame is responsible for everything you're feeling and here is why: SOME THINGS CAUSED BY ASPARTAME CONSUMPTION * birth defects * brain cancers * diabetes *emotional disorders *Epilepsy If what you're consuming…
  • Could just be water retention, even if you've never had a problem with that before. I suddenly gained 10 lbs out of nowhere within a week. That can't possibly be all fat, obviously. But, with weight training, and coming to that time of month it was bound my body would hold onto fluid. It happens. Try lowering sodium…
  • Water weight, it'd be very had to actually gain a pound of fat per day, you'd have to be eating way over. So watch your sodium, like others have said. Don't worry too much.
  • Wow, 4 weeks? That's motivation, you look great! Good job so far.
  • Perhaps you actually need to up your caloric intake, having a smaller deficit. I can't imagine your metabolism has slowed down a lot seeing how much physical activity you do, but eating a bit more calories might up your metabolism if it's in need. 1500 calories a day might be a good goal. Don't worry about how much you…