TheLittleFangs Member


  • In the past I've lost for vanity...and there's nothing wrong in that. Then I had health setback after setback and thought 'well I'm just going to have to learn to love myself fat'...then I had a very recent cardiac scare I've been assured is related to my medication over weight. I've decided I'm going to love myself…
  • Hit 14lbs loss today which is 1 Stone over here in the UK we measure that way (I mental arithmetic is winner now!) - so my next 14lbs to get it to 2st and 50% of goal.
  • Water intake. I hate it, hate it but this last two weeks I've been chugging back my 2litres! Does that count as an NSV?
  • I honestly think you are all some of the most inspiring people I have ever seen. All of you beautiful/handsome in your befores but your healthy glow radiates in the afters. Congrats all
  • It's really noticeable. Are you showing these pictures or just generally asking? I ask as if you've not changed your wardrobe and are just asking in general those you regularly see they may not notice if you're hiding that slinky bod under your regular clothes B)
  • Hi there please feel free to add me. I am sorry to read of your bypass but I'm delighted you are well enough to be thinking about improving your health. I'm losing 56lbs and I'm 12lb down. My physical illness limit me to walking. I have a desire to try a low impact aqua fit. If mobility improves I hope one day to be able…
  • I'm doing OK at the minute but it's typically cheese. Today due to the holiday I have a fridge with chocolate in but I've only had a mini Lindt Lindor egg. If there was cheese in there I'd have been lay on the floor in a food coma by now.
  • Hi Kaylar, please feel free to add me. I'm in the process of losing 56lbs. I'm 12lb down so far. I look forward to seeing less of you ;)
  • Also it sounds a bit strange but I was told to increase my water intake. I did and it helped.
  • How after years on this site gave I only just found the Sexypants thread, this post and group.... buying a digital scale tomorrow
  • In the past that was around the mark people noticed for me too
  • As someone currently in the process of the drs deciding which bowel disease I have - I have learned from chatting to people in waiting rooms (colorectal surgery...what else are you going to talk about ha ha) I've learned everyone's normal is different, but changes in habit that persis longer than 3 weeks should be checked…
  • I'm hoping the abuser is out of your life now? It's not clear. I love your positivity we are almost the same hight I'm losing 56lbs to my 140lb target and then I'll see how I feel there. I'm getting over a break up and managing a million health problems but you'll find me bouncy, positive and a prolific poster! Happy to…
  • Thank you for this full response. I hope the poster finds it useful. I'm being treated through primary care but my GP is excellent and I'm retesting every 12 weeks. To the OP, happy for you to add me just mention thyroid in your message so I know where you're from. I'm losing on levothyroxine, and logging etc
  • You seem really self aware and whilst it does suck about the timing - in the long run I'm glad you'll be getting the help advice you need. I'm sending you good vibes for the days ahead. Pre pack yourself some snack boxes with foods you CAN eat in, as if you stop off and can't have anything you'll be a) sad b) hungry c) sad…
  • Firstly i'm sorry for your health problems. Do you have hypothyroidism? Have you spoken with your doctor about your planned loss? Also your osteoporosis worries? I have hypothyroidism amongst a number of other health bobbins. I'm on levothyroxine, I'm also on doctor administered high dose Calcium and D3. How much do you…
  • There are lots of ways to get in good fats - nuts etc and plant based. Life is too short my friend to eat what you don't like :D I for example will never ever ever eat swede... it's so random that I hate it. A friend did a curry with it in on a campsite...I had the windows down from 300ft away I could smell it and…
  • Is it you're worried about eating so late or are uncomfortable before bed? Otherwise you're good to eat whatever you please. I get really uncomfortable if I eat before I sleep, so on a personal level I would prefer a proper nutrition shake I'm the same in the mornings I feel a bit sick if I eat lots first things so I…
  • You're amazing. Do you know the difference to your health and life you've already started to make? You're a damned rock star so far as I see. You're consistent. Yes, of course you're going win your battle. Importantly you have already said you've learned life lessons that big drops are often water.... you know these answers
  • Sorry hun. I can see you've had some great advice (that I've also noted) I didn't want to scare you off. Just take it a day at a time and take things steady. My surgeon told me specifically what's going on so I guess maybe that's why I know all the tests etc, but I know maybe some don't. I hope you get on the road to good…
  • Hiya, I have a few health conditions and I also live alone. So you have to have someone 24 hours after if sedated and I didn't dare to say I had someone as if I fell I'll I couldn't get help - I was offered no sedation or anything for the failed colonoscopy, for the flexibile sigmoidoscopy I had Entonox - it did nothing I…
  • Hey all I'm 5' 5'' and losing 56lbs...down 11. Anyone wanting to add me as I'm really active on here in my feed please just say 50lbs in the add message so I can figure out which thread you're from. I don't accept blank adds. :)
  • I'm 5' 5'' and I'm on a mission to lose 56lbs and am 11 down so far I'm really active on here so please feel free to add me just put 50lbs in the add message so I know which thread you're from :) you got this!!! Fist bump!!!
  • you...I like you
  • when my friend was dying from an ED the first people in the wonderful medical team that got them into recovery was the dietician
  • I'm getting the same reaction too, thank you to pp link to thread for advice. I thought it was due to me switching over birth control types but a month in it was still not settling. I'm drinking lots of fluids and due to my cardiovascular health it's low fat, plus I'm a fish only meat eater. I was pretty confused, this…
  • Over here in the UK it's dieticians who are higher qualified. I agree though with what you say, it can take a while to get a 'fit'.