

  • I am a avid Doggie lover...we have a German Shorthair Pointer...his name is Toby and he is the sweetest boy ever! We call him our Square dog LOL. We also have a mix her name is Tessie, both of my babies are rescues and have gone through hell. Now they are living the high life as couch potatoes! We love our babies!
  • HI YA'LL My name is Kayla <3
  • Okay yall have convinced me to go try Zumba, I was wondering myself how it was. There are gyms all over were I live with signs for Zumba. I have a Wii so I think I will go and pick the game up first to get myself comfortable with it. Thanks ladies...
  • Lilly- seems we have alot in common...I also have PCOS. I was diagnosed with both the thyroid and the PCOS about 6 months ago. It is why I am insulin resistant. I also fight the urges to return to the "extreme". But I just cant do it to my body again, I just dont have it in me anymore. Not to mention I nearly killed myself…
  • I'm sure lots of people are going to post on here with recommendations based on their own experience, but I highly recommend you see a licensed/certified nutritionist/dietician. Make sure you find one who has experience working with people with your health concerns - insulin resistance, hypothyroid, etc., and that you…
  • I hadnt heard that about soy, but I will now be paying more attention to what is in my food. My OB told me to stay away from food that is in a bag, box or can. I am not a veggie lover ( I tolerae them) but I love fruit, but I hear certain fruits are not good for thyroid. I am one of those women who want "instant" results…
  • thanks guys! I have hypothyroid and they have adjusted me 3 times now. I take Synthroid. It has been a big roller coaster over the past 6 months but it sure explains alot over the past 10 years. I thought it was just baby weight, boy was I wrong. Now I just want to be healthy, I am not looking to be super model skinny,…