I am a newbie... <3

HI my name is Kayla, I am 28 and a wife and mommy to a beautiful 8 year old girl. I am in desperate need to shed some much needed weight because of health reasons. I refuse to be a diabetic if I can prevent it. I found this app on my phone and am in love with it. Any advice on diets or what has worked for any of you would be greatly appreciated. I have thyroid disease so it makes it so difficult to loose any kind of weight. I look foreward to loosing 80 pounds this year...lets hope I can keep up. <3



  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Hello and welcome :)

    I am also 28 and have abeautiful eight year old girl (and a rather prettiful 18 month old boy)

    Been at this just over a year, did have 70lb to lose, now 30b.

    You have come to the right place its fab here, full of support :D
  • lisaking869
    lisaking869 Posts: 43 Member
    Welcome! This site will really help you! I had thyroid problems in my early 20's (Hyperthyroid) and had it obliterated- so now I take meds every day- and over the years finding the right Rx has been a challange! As far as diets- ive tried EVERY ONE! The most realistic is just to eat healthy and excercise! However, I did find The Belly Fat Cure easy to be on--- until simmer came and I craved fruit- then I had to go off! The Clean Eating principals are great- you can find that info in Oxygen or Clean Eating Magazines- or the many books by Tosca Reno. At this Point- I just track my calories in and excercise- try to eat as healthy as I can- and loos weight slow and steady!
    For the working out- find something you LOVE! Rigth now my favorite workout is Turbo Jam and Turbo Fire. I love the music and the fun kickboxing format! If you love what you are doing- it will fly by!
    Good Luck!
  • KaylaRymer
    thanks guys! I have hypothyroid and they have adjusted me 3 times now. I take Synthroid. It has been a big roller coaster over the past 6 months but it sure explains alot over the past 10 years. I thought it was just baby weight, boy was I wrong. Now I just want to be healthy, I am not looking to be super model skinny, just healthy. I want to be around to see my baby girl have babies of her own..... <3