ElizabethJ17 Member


  • Thanks for posting this. I am interested in the answers you receive. I am I'm the same boat. I am eating about half my exercise calories back and I am still struggling to make myself eat more. I am eating as clean as possible so I am looking for those healthy options just like you. Good luck!
  • I hope you speak up! I just started finally logging my food. Mfp told me to eat 1300 calories which after posting a question and getting numerous helpful responses I was able to raise mine. I'm not very familiar with this site and learned a lot by others speaking up
  • The most I think I have lost in one week is 3 but that is a rarity it is usually between 0-2 lbs. I just started counting calories as I was just doing the eat clean method before without watching calories. I will try to change my diary settings so you can take a look. I just changed the wording in there to better fit my…
  • My BMR is 1913. TDEE is 2965. I have been following Tosca Renos eat clean books for about a month now. I wasn't counting calories but thought I would give it a try and couldn't believe how small amount of calories I am supposed to be consuming.
  • Thanks for the clarification! I know right!?!?! 1,300 seems so low!
  • I do group classes also whenever I can. I am also training with the couch to 5k program. Should I be eating my exercise calories back? Thanks for any advice.
  • I'm going to be honest I don't know much about weight loss. I'm pretty close to the same situation as you. The one thing I can tell you that my trainer told me was to change things up when you stop losing. Your body can get used to the same routine.
  • You look absolutely amazing. Congrats on your wonderful weight loss!!
  • In week three of my couch to 5k program. Went for a walk tonight with my two girls in their stroller which turned into a jog/walk for a mile outside. It was my first time jogging outside since I have started my program and I loved it! It was a lot more challenging as I usually run with 0% incline on the treadmill. Can't…
  • 48 lbs 5 months official update and weigh in tomorrow
  • Hi all!!! I am not quite sure how to post pictures to show off our little peanut Madison Rose. I will try and post some to my profile or as my profile picture. Can someone tell me if there is a post-partum group I can join? I also want to wish you all the best of luck with the remainder of your pregnancies and wish you…
  • Please forgive any grammatical errors or the horrible flow to the story. We are all a bit sleep deprived at our household.
  • Hi All- So on Friday December 30th my contractions were about every 5 minutes from each other. We decided to head in and see what the hospital had to say. I had been 3cm dilated and 50% effaced at my last appt on that Monday. To my dissapointment when I arrived I was still only at 3 cm. The hospital only admitd at 4cm. So…
  • Hi ladies!! Hope you all had a great holiday weekend. Every week I work tues 12-4, fri,sat,sun 5am to 5pm so Christmas weekend I was off Saturday and Sunday. It was such a nice treat to have two straight days off of work with my husband to enjoy with our daughter and families. Little baby girl due January 4th still hasn't…
  • Hi everyone. I took a few days away and wow you all move fast! Hope you are all doing well. These last few days have been chaotic. We were in the hospital yesterday. I was contracting every 2 minutes which the nurse said will probably be the closest they come together. My outer part of cervix is dilated to 3 cm and my…
  • Hi all!! My name is Elizabeth, I am 37 weeks today. I am 1cm dilated and 30% effaced. I have a daughter who turned 2 years old today and this baby due January 4th is also a girl. I am hoping she decides to arrive early my first came at 37 weeks 5 days. Hope you are all doing well!
  • So I know I could go up to January 4th or past but I sure hope not. My first came 16 days early and I would totally take that at this point. I am so uncomfortable and I am having a ton of pelvic pressure. The other day I sneezed and peed a little tmi I know. But seriously I can't even control my bladder...that is just…
  • Name: Elizabeth Age: 26 Location: Zimmerman, MN Job title: mommy, full time senior vault generalist at a credit card company,Lpn student Marital status: Married Due date: January 4th, 2012 Number of children: 1 daughter Allison 22 months old Planned or surprise pregnancy: Surprise Pregnancy symptoms so far: Backaches,…
  • Fitmommy- Glad to hear you get to be off bedrest that is awesome! Hope the time flies until your u/s. Don't get too mad if they can't tell that early. if it is too early you will just get to go have another u/s and another look at that baby which is always great!
  • Anyone have any tips for getting a breech baby to flip?
  • Hi ladies! Just wanted to say hello and welcome to all the newcomers! This past weekend we had my cousins wedding. Hubby and I had an awesome time. It was one of my last weekends off until the baby comes. Sad that I wont have any more days off with him but we had such a great time. Hopefully these next 6-9 weeks flies by!…
  • FitMommyLuv- thanks I hope so too. Glad you are almost done with your bedrest. I must have missed seeing you had to go on it. Hope you are hanging in there!
  • So this week has been a tough week for our family. My daughter has a genetic disorder that I also have called OFDS type 1. She needed surgery to place a VP shunt when she was 7 months old. It drains the excess fluid from her brain down to her abdominal cavity. She has a dysplastic right hemisphere of her brain causing left…
  • Can it be December already?
  • Congrats Melissa and good luck Jenna! A few of my friends from school threw me a shower about two weeks ago. It was super sweet and I even got a target gift card from my best friend for $50!! I am so excited because I went on Target.com and saw one of the rockers is on sale for $99 so we are going to order that asap. We…
  • Lindsay- The dr just mentioned to elevate my legs when I can. She also suggested compression socks that are knee high. She said the thigh highs just roll down and are a nuisance and to remember to take them off at night. The last half a week or so it hasn't been bad but I have noticed it happens more working so I might buy…
  • Ron- I struggled with breastfeeding my daughter when she was born. She was in the special care nursery and it was the same statement I received that they needed to give her formula. I met with an awesome lactation consultant but between her already having the bottle, me not getting the hang of it and her not latching it…
  • 24 lbs isn't bad at all! Especially since you weren't overweight starting. I have to keep mine as low as possible since I was overweight to start. I think it is silly they might not let you skype. I guess it is better than our hospital they don't allow cameras or videotaping during delivery. Not that I would have taped it…
  • Appointment went good. Got my glucose test, rhogam shot and flu shot. The dr asked if my u/s showed baby breech. Which I would probably be more worried about but I still have plenty of time for her to turn. If I remember right my first didn't turn head down until about 34 weeks or so and wow could I feel her do it lol.…