bernernewf Member


  • I lost mine two and a half years ago to,Cancer and often wonder if I could have just left it alone. I would have never known it was there. I did not have to do RAI. Hope you recover well.
  • Have you had your thyroid checked? I'd request a full thyroid panel then focus on the free t3/free t4 and getting those numbers optimal. Free t3 is pretty much your metabolism, if it's not optimal, or too low, forget about losing even a pound. A broken thyroid will make it extremely difficult to lose weight. I no longer…
  • I don't have one either. Make you ask for free t3 and free t 4. If he only checks TSH, find new dr.
  • Free t 4 and free t3 are what you shoukd have run and they shoukd be in optimal range. T3 is very important. If you're dr is only running TSH, time for a new doc. Let's see if I can explain it simply. I'll give you links, too, to really help you, the thyroid produces several hormones including t4 and t3. T3 is considered…
  • Do you notice any changes? Clothes fitting better, etc? I crossfit 3-4x week, I go heavy with the weights, I very rarely see changes on the scale, but my clothes fit better or I look different in the mirror. Try looking for changes that way. Are you eating enough to fuel a crossfit workout? I've been doing it for over 1.5…
  • Hi, I lost my thyroid last April due to cancer. I take a combo of synthroid, 75 mg, plus 95 mg of NDT (westhroid p, made by naturethroid. We work to keep my free t3 and free t4 optimal. Optimal for me is not having heart rate issues while exercising. For a while I was way overmedicated and had a high heart rate while…