

  • It is recommended to eat something before an early morning workout to kickstart your metabolism. This way your body avoids the starvation mode which holds onto fat.
  • What is your calorie target for breakfast? I know it sounds wrong, but I sometimes have a low fat bagel with some grilled bacon which is around 250 cals? Obviously very little sugar and not that much fat if you have lean, grilled bacon.
  • Always remember that everyone needs a 'splurge day'. Whether it's once a week, once a fortnight, or just whenever you have a day like you just had, one day is not going to ruin all the work you've put in. No-one can lose weight successfully and keep it off by sticking to a strict calorie-controlled diet every single day,…
  • I tend to go with the weight I am post-workout on a Sunday. If I weigh myself during the week it tends to fluctuate and gets me down.
  • I generally do eat mine back. I tend to do my exercise in the evenings and i find it gives me a little bit more motivation to burn off more because I can look forward to having something decent when I get home. I've been doing it for around 2 months and am happy with the way my weight loss is going.
  • How long have you been lowering your cals and exercising? I broke my wrist last year, and put on 10lbs. I started my regime again in January and it was only early April that I started to see the results. You just need to keep pushing through and it will work in the end!
  • I'm in not so sunny Glasgow, feel free to add me!:smile: